English Place-name Society

Survey of English Place-Names

A county-by-county guide to the linguistic origins of England’s place-names – a project of the English Place-Name Society, founded 1923.

Calva Ho

Other OS name in the Parish of Brough

Historical Forms

  • Calfehowlade 1402 IpmR
  • Calfhowelade 1422 ib
  • Cavay Laidehouse 1724 PR(B)
  • Cava 1764,1769 ib
  • Cava Lade 1771,1777 ib
  • Covay 1770 ib
  • Calvahouse, Calvalode 1829 Dir


, Calfehowlade 1402 IpmR, Calfhowelade 1422 ib,Cavay Laidehouse 1724 PR(B), Cava 1764, 1769 ib, Cava Lade 1771, 1777 ib, Covay 1770 ib, Calvahouse , Calvalode 1829 Dir , ' calfhill ' , v. calf , haugr ; -lade is probably OE  (ge)lād ' water-course ' , which sometimes also meant ' track ' ( EPN ii, 8–9 ) ; it might here refer to a track from near Calva running north and crossing Mousegill Beck by a ford .

Places in the same Parish

Early-attested site

Other OS name