English Place-name Society

Survey of English Place-Names

A county-by-county guide to the linguistic origins of England’s place-names – a project of the English Place-Name Society, founded 1923.

Coalgill Sike

Early-attested site in the Parish of Brough

Historical Forms

  • the Coal-pitt Turnpike House 1786 PR(B)


Coalgill Sike, v. col 1 'coal', gil , sīc ; there are many allusions to coal-mining on Stainmore, such as 'my owne Pitts [of coales ] on Stainemoor ' in 1673 CW v, 191, the Coal-pitt Turnpike House 1786 PR(B), and several coal-miners are reported as having perished, like 'Thomas Willmson, a colyer' in 1646 PR(B) 68, Simon Bulman 'killed in a Coal pitt' in 1786 ib 401, Thomas Bousfield 'killed by a fall of a Cragg upon him in Borrodale in a coal pit' in 1769 ib 388, and William Hodgson, collier, who 'perished in the snow coming from ye Coals' in 1774 ib 391; there are several old coal shafts in Borrowdale. Coalgill Sike is on the edge of the Coal Measures.Cf. also Coalgill Sike, Coal Gill (ii, 3, 29 supra ).

Places in the same Parish

Early-attested site

Other OS name