English Place-name Society

Survey of English Place-Names

A county-by-county guide to the linguistic origins of England’s place-names – a project of the English Place-Name Society, founded 1923.

Yosgill Scar & Wood

Other OS name in the Parish of Brough

Historical Forms

  • Yewes gills 1657 Warr
  • Yose Gill 1796 PR(B)
  • Yosgill wood & brow 1843 TA


, Yewes gills 1657Warr , Yose Gill 1796 PR(B), Yosgill wood & brow 1843TA , ' horse's ravine ' , v. gil ; the first el . is ON  jór ( gen . sg . jós ) ' horse, stallion ' , which seems , however , to be recorded only as a poetic word , but it occurs in Swed p. ns . ( cf. J . Sahlgren in Saga och Sed ( 1938 ) 64 ff ) , and a ME  yōs - would best account for the spellings of Yosgill .

Places in the same Parish

Early-attested site

Other OS name