English Place-name Society

Survey of English Place-Names

A county-by-county guide to the linguistic origins of England’s place-names – a project of the English Place-Name Society, founded 1923.

Rey Cross

Early-attested site in the Parish of Brough

Historical Forms

  • Rerercros Hy2 Ch 1348
  • (la) Rerecrosse c.1275 StBees 1360 Pat 1577 Harrison
  • Reir croiz de Staynmore c.1280 Weth
  • le Redecros super Steynmor 1314 CWiii,318
  • Reare crosse 1687 BdyR


Rey Cross, Rerercros Hy 2 (1348) Ch, (la ) Rerecrosse c. 1275 StBees, 1360 Pat, 1577 Harrison, Reir croiz de Staynmore c. 1280 Weth, le Redecros super Steynmor 1314 CW iii, 318, Reare crosse 1687BdyR .This was a boundary cross and it was just in YN; it has been described by W. G. Collingwood in CW xxvii, 1–10 (cf. also YN xlvi, 305).The name, as Ekwall suggested, is from ON  hreyrr 'cairn'. The Swedish equivalent rör is used of 'a boundary mark' (HellquistSvEO 875), esp. in the phrase ra och rör (Söderwall ii, 291); in this phrase ra is equivalent to ON  2 'land-mark, boundary' and may be the source of the form in Rey Cross, though it is possible that the final -r in Rere - was lost by dissimilation in the compound, v. cros 'cross'.

Places in the same Parish

Early-attested site

Other OS name