The Chantry
Early-attested site in the Parish of Great Grimsby
Historical Forms
- The Chantry 1676 GrimsChamb 1691 GrimsCBx 1691 GrimsCLeet 1737 GrimsChamb 1792 Yarb
- the Chauntery in Denesgate 1514 GrimsCBi
- ye chantre 1527 ib
- the chavntre 1547 GrimsCLeet
- the Chauntre 1553 GrimsChamb
- the chaunterye 1564 GrimsCBiv
- the chauntry 1565 1632,1692 GrimsCLeet
- Chantery 1670,1687,1695 GrimsChamb 1707,1712 GrimsCLeet
- le chauntrie howse 1582 GrimsChamb
- the Chauntry howse 1652 GrimsCBviii
- Chantry Farme 1677 ib
- Chauntry farm 1695 GrimsChamb
- (the) Chantry Farm 1718 GrimsCBx 1777 1787,1797,1800,1809 ib
- Rayner Chauntre 1344 GrimsCBi
- cantaria vocat' Rayner Chanterye 1387 GrimsFC
- Cantar' vocata Reyner Chantery 1390 ib
- Raynerschauntr' 1409 GrimsChamb
- Raynerchantre 1492 GrimsExtent
- Rainarde Chauntrie 1576 GrimsChamb
- Raynyard Chauntrie 1585 GrimsFC
The Chantry (lost), The Chantry 1676GrimsChamb , 1691GrimsCB x , 1691GrimsCLeet , 1737GrimsChamb et passim to 1792Yarb , the Chauntery in Denesgate 1514GrimsCB i , y e chantre 1527ib ii , the chavntre 1547GrimsCLeet , the Chauntre 1553GrimsChamb , the chaunterye 1564GrimsCB iv , the chauntry 1565ib , 1632, 1692GrimsCLeet , Chantery 1670, 1687, 1695GrimsChamb , 1707, 1712GrimsCLeet , le chauntrie howse 1582GrimsChamb , the Chauntry howse 1652GrimsCB viii , Chantry Farme 1677ib ix , Chauntry farm 1695GrimsChamb , (the ) Chantry Farm 1718GrimsCB x , 1777ib xiii , 1787, 1797, 1800, 1809ib xiv . This refers to property belonging to the Chantry of Holy Trinity in St James Church founded in 1344 by Edward de Grimsby for his soul and those of members of his family and apparently those of John Reyner , for it was known as Rayner Chauntre 1344GrimsCB i , cantaria vocat ' Rayner Chanterye 1387GrimsFC , Cantar ' vocata Reyner Chantery 1390ib , Raynerschauntr '1409GrimsChamb , Raynerchantre 1492GrimsExtent et freq toRainarde Chauntrie 1576GrimsChamb , Raynyard Chauntrie 1585GrimsFC , v. also Gillett 3 and 83. There are a number of other references to property belonging to the Chantry, e.g. ter ' Cantar ' voc ' Rayner chauntr , Chauntredayle (v. deill 'a share of land'), Chauntrelandes 1457TCC , the shoppys of Rayner Chantre 1480GrimsMiscD , terre cantarie Reyner 1513GrimsChamb , terr ' nuper pertin ' cantarie voc ' Raner Chauntrie 1562ib , Grimsby Chantry Lands 1694GrimsQR , and Chauntr 'milln '1397GrimsCt . Cf. Chantry Lane infra .

Places in the same Parish
Early-attested site
- Wellow
- Abbey Fm
- Appollo Lodge
- Austin Friars
- Bargates Fm
- The Beadhouses
- Behindby
- Blakeman Beacon
- Blow Wells
- Blue Stone
- Bridge Dyke
- Brighow
- Bull Ring
- Burdike
- Burncrike
- Canonbig
- Carter Bridge
- Castle
- College Ho
- Corn Fields
- Cornmarket
- Cuckstool Pit
- Custom House
- Dock Heads
- East Clough
- East Marsh
- Fish Ponds
- Fish Shambles
- The Fitties
- Fleet Bridge
- The Fold
- Fraunks Chantry
- Fresh Ings
- Freshwater Haven
- Gannocks
- Goosegates
- Grammar School
- The Green
- Grey Friars
- Greyfriars Bridge
- Grimsby Fm
- Grimsby Ho
- Grove Ho
- Havelock Stone
- The Haven
- West Haven
- East Haven
- Haven Bridge
- Haven Mill
- Hell Hill
- Herring Bridge
- High Bridge
- Hill Dock
- Horse Bridge
- Horse Fair
- Horse Market
- House of Industry
- Lathegarths
- Lime Ho
- Littlefield
- Malt Kiln Cottage
- Malt Market
- Market Place
- Market Cross
- Market Well
- Midmarket
- Mill Bridge
- Millfields Ho
- Mill Hill
- Newbigging
- New Lot
- Nuns Corner
- Nunsthorpe
- Old Church Yard
- Peartree Ho
- Pig Market
- Pincushion Green
- Piper Creek
- Pound
- The Pump
- Raff Yard
- Red Hill
- River Head
- Royal Dock
- St John a Bower Ho
- St Mary Bridge
- Salt Ings Ho
- Saltwater Haven
- Sea Dyke
- The Shambles
- Simwhite Bridge
- The Staith
- Stone Bridge
- Swain Bridge
- Thornton Ho
- Town Hall
- Turret Hall
- The Vicarage
- Walk Mill
- Wastle Bridge
- Water Mill
- Wellow Mill
- West Bridge
- West Marsh
- West Sluice Bridge
- Whipping Post
- Willow Bridge
- Windmill
- Wrayes Bridge