Bucklow Hundred
Hundred in the County of Cheshire
Historical Forms
- Bochelau Hd' 1086 DB
- hundred' de Bokelawe 1287 Court
- Bokelow(e) 1398,1399 ChRR
- Bokkelowe 1354 BPR
- (Hundred' de) Boclawe 1260 Court, Plea
- Boklowe Hundred c.1310 Chest
- Buchelawe, (Buc)kelawe 1260 Court
- Buchelowe 1318 Eyre
- Bukkelowe 1354 BPR
- Bucklowe 1350 Chamb
- Bucklow 1402 ChRR
- Buclow(e) 1392,1397 Pat
- Buclawe 1423 ib
- Buklowe 1445 Eyre
- Bulk(e)lowe 1488 MinAcct 1554 Sheaf
- Buckley 1564 Sheaf
- Bulkley Hundred 1656 Orm2i141
- Tunendun(e) Hd' 1086 DB
- hundred court of Hethelton 1174 Orm2i605
- hundredum (de) Halt(h)on(e) c.1185 Facs c.1200 Whall
- Hal(e)tonsir e13 Whall
- Hal(e)tonshir 1286 ib
- Haltonesire 1277 AD
- Haltoneschyre 1305 Lacy
- Haltoneschiria c.1310 Chest
- Halton'schyr' 1307 MinAcct
- Halytonsire c.1277 AD
- baronia de Hauleton(e) 1252 RBE 1338 Pat
- liberty of Haghton 1287 Court
- honor de Halton 1332 Ipm
- dominium de Halton 1351 Whall 1399 Pat
- serjeanty of Halton 1354 BPR
- Budworth in Halton 1500 Tab
- maner' de Wereford et Marthale 1297 Orm2
- Warfurthe et Marthall 1554 MinAcct
- Marthall cum Little Werford 1724 NotCestr
- Marthal(e) l13 JRL 1297,1342,1369 Orm2 1335,1608 ChRR 1353 Eyre 1355 JRC890 1616 Cre
- Marthall 1342 ArlB 1353 BPR
- Martha 1724 NotCestr
- Marchall 1489 Plea 1494 ChRR
- Marshall 1496 Plea 1618 Sheaf
- Merthall 1554 MinAcct 1555 Pat 1557 ChRR
- parva Warford, Little Warford l12,1500 MainwB 1573 Orm2 1595 ChRR
- Warfurthe 1554 MinAcct
- Wer(e)ford(e) c.1272,c.1285 Orm2 1289 Cl
- Little Wer(e)ford(e), Wer(e)ford(e) Parva 1290 Ipm
- Worfourth 1558 Plea
- Vetus Wer(e)ford c.1260 JRC851 1271–4 Chest E1 Orm2
- Old Wer(e)ford c.1272 ib
- Holde Werford 1342 Orm2
- Werford iuxta Olreton 1343 Plea
- Broom Green 1751 Sheaf 1847 TA
- The Moss 1831 1847 TA
- Marthall Cover 1842 OS
- Colliers Mill 1842 OS
- Cragg House 1842 OS
- Dog Hole 1831 Bry
- Fir Tree House 1831 1842 OS
- Glovers Lane 1848 TAMap
- Anson House 1831 Bry
- Kell Green 1831 Bry
- Kell Green Hall 1860 White
- Tollet House 1831 Bry
- Peck Mill Farm & Peck Mill Wood ib
- Peck Mill Bottom 1842 OS
- King Street 1831 Bry
- Pinfold House 1831 Bry
- Sandle Bridge 1706 Sheaf
- Sandle Bridge House 1831 Bry
- Stocking Moss 1842 OS
- Heath 1842
- Marthall Plat 1831
- Marthall Wood 1831
- Smalbrok c.1316
- Pevre 1086 DB
- Pev(e)re, Pever, Peure c.1232–3 1260 Court 1278 Ipm
- Over(e) Pevre, Over(e) Pev(e)re, Over(e) Pever, Over(e) Peure, Ovre Pevre, Ovre Pev(e)re, Ovre Pever, Ovre Peure, Pevre Superior, Pev(e)re Superior, Pever Superior, Peure Superior 1287 Court l13 ChF e14 MainwB
- Phefre 1317 Tab
- Pevur 1382 JRL
- Pevyr 1460 Cl
- Peyvre 1248 Cl
- Peyfer' 1291 P
- (Superior) Pieuere E1 AddCh
- Pievere 1397 ChRR
- Peeuer E1 MidCh
- Peever 1332 ib
- Peverhe 1260 Court
- Peover 1414 ChRR
- Over Peover 1559 Pat
- Higher Peover 1724 NotCestr
- Paver 1492 ChRR
- Pyver 1530 Plea
- Piver 1601 Sheaf
- Cepmundewiche 1086 DB
- Cepmondswich e13 Orm2 17 1333 ib
- Chemondswys c.1287 MidCh
- Chapmoneswych(e), Chapmoneswich(e), Chapmon(i)sswyk e14,E2 ib
- Chapmonuswyk 1354 ib
- Chapmounswych 1322 MainwB
- Chapmonswiche 1450 Dav
- Capemondsiche, Chapmondsiche 1334 MidCh
- Schappemonneswic(ho), Scapimonneswic(ho) 1249–65 Chest
- Chapmonwich 1371 Eyre
- Fahedayn H3 MainwB
- Faudon H3 MainwB 1271–4 Chest E1 1280 P 1336 ChRR 1664 Tab
- Faudon in Peever 17 MidCh
- Fandon 1327 Plea 1336 ChRR
- Fodon E1 Orm2 17 1333 ib
- Fodonland 1591 Orm2 17
- Fodon in Over-Peever 1663 ib
- 'half a messuage called Fodon-land' 1591 Orm2i477
- Hethales 1391 MainwB
- Hethalis 1216 1260 Plea
- Hethalys H3 ib
- Hethales 1303–5 ib
- Hungerhul H3 MainwB
- Hungerhil H3 ib
- Hongrill 13 Orm2 1666
- Hungerhill 1635 Sheaf
- (terra quæ vocatur) Radbroc, Radbrok(e) E1 Orm2 17 c.1286 ib
- (lands in) Radbrook 1371 17 ib
- Radbrook House 1666 ib
- Radbrooke 1672 ib
- Twyford in Over Peover 1442 MainwB
- Twiford, Twyford 1280 13 Orm2 1666
- Twyforde 1322 AD 1332,1333,1432 ChRR 1362 MainwB
- Bates Mill, Wrights Farm 1831 Bry
- Bate Mill 1842 OS
- Cheer Green Farm 1831 Bry
- Back Lane 1831 ib
- Colshaw, Colshaw Green 1844 TA
- Foxfild 1400 MainwB
- Fray Green 1831 Bry 1842 OS
- Free Green 1844 TA
- Robinsons Farm 1831 Bry
- Great Peover Wood 1831 Bry
- Green Lane 1844 TA
- Grotto Wood, New Farm 1842 OS
- New House, Longy Lane 1831 Bry
- Daniels Farm 1831 ib
- Mary Dale Covert 1842 OS
- The Cottage 1842 OS
- aulla de Peever 1278 Tab 17
- the hall of Over-Pever 1666 Orm2
- Over Peover Heath 1831 Bry
- Over Peover Mill 1842 OS
- molendinum de Peuere 1297 Tab
- (Old) Dairy House 1831 Bry 1842 OS
- White Field, White Field Plantation 1844 TA
- White House 1831 Bry
- Kengysley 1301
- Priest Lake Lane 1831
- (le) Pre(y)steslake l13–
- Le Brydenbrugge 1387
- Wellardisclok 1303–5
- Welardesclowe 1391
- Parua Pefria c.1200 Tab
- Parua Pev(e)re 13 ib
- Little Pever 1465 Orm2 17
- Litle Peeuer 1614 Chol
- Parva Peeuer 1637 Tab
- Little Peover 1715 Tab
- Lower Peover 1724 NotCestr
- Nether Peever Bridge 1618 Sheaf
- Stone Bridge 1831 Bry
- Stretch House 1831 ib
- the Edge felde, the Edge Filde 1597 Chol
- Plumleya, Plumleia 1119(1150),1119(1280),1150 Chest 13 AddCh
- Plumleg(h), Plumley 1259–60 l13 et freq
- Plumbeia 1119 (1285) Chest, Ch
- Plumb(e)legh 1288–9 Court
- Plumbley 1579 Dugd
- Plomle c.1290 Chol
- Plomlegh 1323 Plea
- Plomley 1452 Tab
- Plomly 1546 Dugd
- Plomeley 1446 Tab
- Holeforde c.1270 Chol
- Holeford 1307 Plea
- Holleford c.1294 Chol 1320,c.1330 JRL 1489 Pat
- Howeford c.1300 Chol
- Holford c.1300 ArlB 1307 Tab
- Holfordeforde c.1300 Chol
- Holford Bridge 1619 Sheaf
- Holford Hall 1659 Mere
- Olford 1328 Tab
- Holdeford E2 Chol
- Holdford 1411 ChRR
- Oldford c.1536 Leland
- Hulford 1326,1328 ChRR
- Helle Clow c.1300 Chol
- Hell Hollow 1831 Bry
- Holford Moss 1621 Orm2
- Holford Mosse 14 Tab
- Plumley Moor 1737 Mere
- Plumley More 1666 Orm2
- Plumleg(h)'mor(e) c.1270,c.1300,1330 Chol
- vasta de Plumlegh' 1345 ib
- Plumley Mosse 1499 Tab
- Son(e)walde(s)leg(')mos, (le) Sondwallde(leg')mosse l13(lit.Mondwallde(leg')mosse),c.1300,14 Tab
- Son(e)ward(is)lewemos c.1300 Chol
- Son(d)wardelegh' mosse 1345 ib
- Sandell mosse 14 Tab
- Sondelemosse 1415 Tab 1430,1465 ChRR
- Sondelmoss 1547 Orm2
- Sandhyll Mosse 1533 Tab
- Sandwell Mosse alias Sanderley (Mosse) 1535,1536 Tab
- Sandley or Sondel Moss 1547 Orm2
- Sandlow Moss 1695 Tab
- the Common Moss of Lostockgralam, Plumley and Peever 1695 Tab
- Winnington Wood 1831 Bry
- Smoker Bridge 1831 Bry
- Brook Farm 1860 White
- Henshagh 1512 ChEx
- Henshaw 1666 Orm2
- l’molaine de Holford 1373 Chol
- Malt Kiln 1831 ib
- Moss House 1842 OS
- The Smoker 1831 Bry
- Trout Hall, Wooden Bridge 1831 Bry
- le Houtlone de Plumeg' c.1300
- le Fal 1345
- Fitherisgreue c.1300
- the Great Feathergreaves 1727
- Kydebuttes 1345
- Mizewood alias Barrow's Wood 1720
- the Rughe Hey 1548
- Soundefeld 1433
- Walk Milne House 1657
- le Wetwode 1386
- Le Berne 1335 (p)
- Culleyn 1342
- le Crakesehurst 14
- Crescewalshagh 1372 (p)
- Cresswalscha 1392 (p)
- Le Erudyng 1335
- Forstyle(y) 1429
- the Hieghe Feld 1548
- the merche feldes 1559
- the marshe 1560
- Raueneshurst 1345
- Warehowse or Warehowse Ground, Warehouse or Warehouse Ground 1559, 1560
- (to) þel wæle 923 ASC
- Thealwæle 920 FW c.1118
- Thelewella 1154-60 Ch 1329 CottNerociii 1190–1211
- Thelewell 1240 P
- Thelewelle 1294 ChF
- Thelevale e13 AddCh
- Thelewall(e) 1255 Plea 1260 Court 1499 ChRR
- Thelewal 1384 AD
- Thelwall 12 Orm2 17 Court 1289
- Thelwella c.1200 Dugd
- Thelwell 1325 ChRR
- Thellwalle 1255 Plea
- Thidewell' 1240 P
- Thellewelle 1295,1305 Lacy 1306 MinAcct
- Thellewalle 1311 IpmR
- Thellewall 1355 BPR
- Felewelle 1295 Lacy 1306 MinAcct
- Thelowell 1304 Chamb
- Thlewall 1355 BPR
- Tolwell' 1487 MinAcct
- Thylwal 15 Trev(Cx)
- Bank House 1831 Bry
- The Ees 1842 OS
- Greenfield 1831 Bry
- Oat-Land Eea 1842 OS
- Outland Hey 1843 TA
- Old Warps 1842 OS
- Powder Mill 1831 Bry 1842 OS
- Percy House 1831 Bry
- Thelwall Ees 1842 OS
- Massey Green 1628 Orm2 1842 OS
- West Lane 1842 OS
- Brook Field 1750
- Howshoots 1750
- The Lumm 1750
- the Mean Hey 1637
- Thelwallmore 1544
- Claiyton 1289
- Cleyton 1308, 1534
- Martinscroft 1666
- Acton 1194–1211 et freq
- Actona iuxta moram 1202 Whall
- Hacton 1315 Plea
- Aketon 13 LRODx 1397 ChRR
- grangia Actone 1249–61 Whall
- grangia de Acton 1263 ib
- Acton Grange 1308 ib
- graungia siue manerium de Acton 1554 MinAcct
- Acton Graing 1673 AddCh
- Agden alias Agson alias Acton 1599 Orm2
- Grange Mill 1831 Bry
- molendinum (de Acton quod est) inter Acton et Wal(e)ton 1195–1211 Whall 1220–40 LRODx
- (stagnum) Wodemylne de Acton 1263 Whall
- Big Hurst 1843 TA
- Hurst 1194–1211 Whall
- le Hurst 1263 ib
- Hurst in Acton 14 ib
- (le) Hurstes 1328 LRO Dx, Dow
- Grange Bridge 1831 Bry
- Wright's Bridge & Wright's Lane 1831 ib
- Bellhouse Lane ib
- Hob Lane 1843 TA
- Holly Hedg(e) 1690 Sheaf
- Porch House 1831 ib
- Rose Wood 1831 Bry
- Rows Wood 1843 TA
- þe Roose c.1554 Whall
- Wilsons Bridge 1831 Bry
- Hobs Hillock 1831 ib
- þe Grange heats 1554
- þe Polested 1554
- stagnum de Acton 1223–7
- stang de Aketon 132
- Deresbiria 1154–89 Orm2 17
- Deresberi, Deresburi, Deresbury 1194,1200 et freq
- Deresbury 1599 AD
- Darisburi c.1200 LRODx
- Darisburi in Hal(y)ton(e)sire l13 AD
- Daresburi 1220-40 LRODx
- Daresbury 1434 ChRR
- Dasbury 1660 Sheaf
- Doresburi c.1200 Tab
- Doresbury 1537 AD
- Dosebury 13 Tab
- Derebury 1281 Court
- Dursbury 1571 AD
- Dearesburye 1594 AD
- Dueesbury alias Daresbury 1739 LRMB264
- the Hall of Deresbury 1541 AD
- Daresbury Field 1844 TA196
- þe Lodg 1660 Sheaf
- Benche More 1573
- (the) Bothoms 1541, 1542
- (the) Churche Filde 1541, 1542
- Daresbery Cliff 1291 (17)
- le Cliff 1541
- The Cliff 1623
- Cliffe Buttes 1580
- the two Darleyes 1576
- the too Darlies 1581
- Grandmothers Hole 1831
- Hall Croft 1541
- Lamber Hey 1541
- the Markes 1541, 1542
- the Mylne Ryddinge 1576
- the towne filde 1576
- Byrcheley Woodde 1567
- Burchelez Woode 1574
- (lee) Brom(e)feild 1573–4
- the Wall(e) Mo(o)re 1577, 1581
- (grangia de) Hattun 13 Tab c.1275 Chol
- Hatton c.1230 Orm2
- Hatton iuxta Stretton 1288 ChF
- Hatton Haulton 1312 Plea
- Hatton Deresbury 1346 ib
- Hatton Apulton 1386 Plea
- Hatton in Deresbury 1500 ib
- Hattne 1663 Sheaf
- (quadam terra quae vocatur) Quisty H3 Orm2
- the mansion of Quisty,… occasionally…called Hatton Old Hall 1882 Orm2i774n
- Qisty 13 Tab
- Custy 1288 ChF
- Kuysty 1306 Plea 1436 ChRR
- Quystybirches 1533 LRODx
- Quisty Birches 1616 Mere
- Quistie Byrches 1654 Orm2
- Quisty Birch Farm 1819 ib
- Coystiberches 1604 AddCh
- Kyisty-Birches 1649 Tab
- Kisstie Birches 1654 Sheaf
- Questy Birch Hall, Little Questy Birch 1831 Bry
- (Little) Queestybirch 1842 OS
- Greenside 1844 TA
- Owl's Nest 1831 ib
- Owlets Nest 1842 OS
- Moss Farm, Pill Moss Woods 1831 Bry
- Pill Moss Lane 1844 TA
- Hannots Lane 1842 OS
- Hattonheye 1367
- Jankenesruding e14
- le Meane hey 1423
- the Meane Heye 1552
- Kekwic 1154 Dugd 1329 Ch 1329
- Kecwyk 1287 Court
- Keckwyk 1295 Cl
- Keckwick 1375 Tab
- Kekewyc e13 AddCh
- Kekewike 1295 IpmR
- Kekewycke 1295 Lacy
- Kekewyck 1306 MinAcct
- Kekewyk c.1320 Chol
- Kekeweke 1454 AddRoll
- Kekewik 1479 ChRR
- Kekewyke 1536 Orm2
- Kekewicke 1554 MinAcct
- Kekewick 1581 AD
- Keckewick 1594 AD
- Kequik 1288 Court
- Kequick c.1703 Chol
- Kecquick 1635 Sheaf
- Keekwicke 1534 Chol
- Keeckwicke 1673 AddCh
- Keakwick 1831 Bry
- Northwodehey 1360 AddCh
- Northwode 1446 ChRR
- North Wood Farm 1831 Bry
- The Hill Plantation 1831 Bry
- Hattons Bridge 1831 Bry
- Keakwick Lane 1831 ib
- Kekewick Brook 1842 OS
- Kekewick Hill 1842 ib
- Pits on Heath Wood 1831 Bry
- Keckewick Moore 1581
- Mora e12 Orm2 17 l12 ib
- More e13 1295 Lacy 1560 Sheaf
- le More 1398 ChRR
- the More 1517 AD
- Mor 1311 Ipm
- le Moer 1357 Eyre
- Moore 1517 Chol 1594 AD
- Moor 1715 ChetOSviii
- Big Marsh, Lt. Marsh & Nearer Marsh 1843 TA
- mariscus qui dicebatur de Mora 1208–29 Whall
- mariscus de More 1211–32 ib
- le Mersch' 1340 MinAcct
- Fleetway Bridge 1831 Bry
- Mo(o)re Mosse 1517,1630 Chol
- the common called Halton or Moore Moss 1882 Orm2i740
- Heron Bridge 1831 Bry
- Grange Bridge 1831 ib
- Moore Hall, Moss Lane 1831 ib
- Gig Lane 1831 Bry
- Templecroft 1547
- Temples alias Templin's Crofts 1630
- piscaria de Moresyerd 1386, 1487, 1507
- piscaria de Moresʒerd 1398
- Neuton 12 Orm2 17 Court 1288 AD 1542
- Neuton iuxta Deresbur' 1302 Plea
- Neuton Preston 1306 ib
- Neuton Hatton 1362 ib
- Neuton in hundredo de Halton 1433 ChRR
- Neuton inferior iuxta Deresbury 1504 Plea
- Neweton (iuxta Preston) 1290 Pat, IpmR
- Newton 1423 AD
- Newton iuxta Darresbury 1488 MinAcct
- Newton nigh Daresbury 1673 ChRR
- Hallum 13 Tab 1302 Plea
- Hallum in Newton iuxta Daresbery 1337 Orm2 17
- Hallum Hall 1831 Bry
- Hallam 13,1338 HMCx
- Hallom 1343 Chamb
- Hallome 1452 CoLegh
- Halum 1437 ChRR
- Halom(e) 1534 AD
- Mortwayt 13 Tab
- Morthwayt(e) l13 1285 AD
- Morthweyt 1289 Court e14 Mere
- Morethwayth 1308 Whall
- Morthtwayt 1310 Chol
- Morthwait e14 Mere (p), Sheaf (p)
- (Rafe Starky of) Morthwait in Newton 1666 Orm2i741
- (Ralph Starkey of) Morfanny 1673 Sheaf35
- Marphoney Hall 1831 Bry
- Murphany Hall 1842 OS
- Black Jane 1831 Bry
- Crow Holt, Crow Holt Rough 1831 ib
- Cow Haught Cowholt 1844 TA
- Dairy House 1831 Bry
- Penkridge Lake 1831 Bry
- Summer Lane 1831 Bry
- le Greate meadowe 1423
- Brocholas 1488
- le Grenehey 1423
- the Grenehey 1540
- Greyne Heye 1577
- Hamondes Heyes 1423
- le Lyttle meadowe 1423
- Pryors Feild 1423
- Bircheley Hey 1541
- Brendeyorthe 1541
- Brende Yearthe 1579
- Caldewelle 1306 (p)
- Hawkesherde 1488
- Peele Crofte 1579
- Pele Hey 1541
- Swaynisniding l13
- Prestun 12 Orm2 17
- Prestona 1157–94 Chest
- Prest' 1175 Facs
- Preston John Orm2 17 ClR 1223
- Preston iuxta Dutton 1353 BPR
- Preston Kekewyk 1440 ChRR
- Preston near Daresbury 1573 AD
- Prestanton 1361 Tab
- Preston super le Hill 1373 Pat
- Preston super Montem 1514 MinAcct
- Preston upon the Hill 1560 Sheaf
- Preston of the Hill 1775 ib
- Preston o' th' Hill 1953 Index
- Preston Brook 1819 Orm2
- Dods Wood 1831 Bry
- the New Mannor 1526 Orm2 1666
- aula de Preston 1414 Sheaf
- Red House 1831 Bry
- Tan Yard 1831 ib
- White House 1842 OS
- Waletun 12 Dow John AddCh
- Waletona 1154–60 Ch 1329 1190–99
- Waleton' 1191 Facs 1331 Pat
- Waletone iuxta grangiam Actone 1249–61 Whall
- parua walet' 1190–99 Facs
- Walton 1190 Orm2
- Walton in Haletonshir 1263 Whall
- Walton inferior 1270–90 Mere
- Walton in Haltonshir 1303 Whall
- Inferior Walton (in Haltonshir) 1286 ib
- Nether Walton 1295 Cl
- Neyther Walton 1557 Mere
- Neither Walton 1673 AddCh
- Neather Walton 1673 ChRR
- Lower Walton 1642 Mere
- Low Walton 1775 Sheaf
- Wall' 1200–63 Whall
- Mosley House & Mosley Common 1831 Bry
- Malley Common 1842 OS
- Morley, Morley Common & Morley Field 1843 TA
- Moswod 1544 Mere
- molendinum de Waletona 1154–60 Ch 1329
- Cressebrokis 1307
- mosse 1393
- le Shagh 1433 (p)
- Superior Walton' l13 AddCh
- Walton Superior E2 Orm2
- Over Walton E2 Mere
- Over Walton in parish of Daresbury 1566 Hesk
- Oure Walton 1309 Plea
- Overe Walton 1312 ib
- Ovre 1324 ib
- Upper Walton 1498 AD
- High Walton 1774 Sheaf
- Hough's Bridge 1831 ib
- Lee Farm & Lee Bridge 1831 Bry
- Walton Hall 1831 ib
- in bosco de Waleton 1263 Whall
- Walton Lane 1843 TA
The hundred is named from the meeting-place at Bucklow Hill in Mere 51infra . The DB hundred of Bochelau included Northenden, Snelson and Great Warford now in Macclesfield hundred 1 234, 93, 104, but not that part of the modern Bucklow hundred west of Lymm, High Legh, Mere, Tabley Superior, Pickmere and Wincham.This area was Tunendun (e ) Hd '1086 DB, 'Tuna's hill', from the OE pers.n. Tuna and dūn, the meeting-place of which is unidentified, cf. Halton Hundred infra . Since Tunendune is not recorded after DB, the two hundreds must have been merged soon after, perhaps in the twelfth century.
Parishes in this Hundred

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