English Place-name Society

Survey of English Place-Names

A county-by-county guide to the linguistic origins of England’s place-names – a project of the English Place-Name Society, founded 1923.

Welton Rivall

Early-attested site in the Parish of Welton

Historical Forms

  • Welleton' Prebend de Ryvall' 1254 ValNor
  • Welton Ryvall 1439 LCStatutes 1489 AD 1526,1548,1556 CA 1563 InstBen
  • Welleton Riual 1284 LCStatutes
  • Welleton de Rywell 1291 Tax
  • prebend of Welton Ryvale 1356 BPR
  • Welton Rivall 1359 1423 FA 1535 VE 1571 LER 1634 AH 1634 Hunt 1634 Terrier 1657 AH 1657 Hunt 1657 Terrier 1784,1831 CCLeases
  • Welton Rival 1476 Pap
  • Welton Riveall 1526 Sub
  • Manor of Welton Ryehall 1692 BS
  • Welton Rivall 1712,1714,1717,1721,1726 BS 1775 EnclA
  • Welton Rive-Hall 1748 BS
  • Rive Hall 1634 AH 1634 Hunt 1657 AH 1657 Hunt
  • Rivehall 1735,1768,1773 BS


Welton Rivall. Welleton ' Prebend de Ryvall '1254 ValNor, Welton Ryvall 1439 LCStatutes, 1489 AD, 1526, 1548, 1556 CA, 1563 InstBen, Welleton Riual 1284 LCStatutes, Welleton de Rywell 1291 Tax, prebend of Welton Ryvale 1356 BPR, Welton Rivall 1359 ib, 1423 FA, 1535 VE, 1571 LER, 1634 AH, 1634 Hunt, 1634Terrier , 1657 AH, 1657 Hunt, 1657Terrier , 1784, 1831CCLeases , Welton Ryvalle 1432Visit, Welton Rival 1476 Pap, Welton Riveall 1526 Sub. Manor of Welton Ryehall 1692BS , Welton Rivall 1712, 1714, 1717, 1721, 1726BS , 1775EnclA , Welton Rive -Hall 1748BS , Rive Hall 1634 AH, 1634 Hunt, 1657 AH, 1657 Hunt, Rivehall 1735, 1768, 1773BS . Rivall is best explained as 'manor-house associated with the reeve', v. gerēfa , hall 1 .