English Place-name Society

Survey of English Place-Names

A county-by-county guide to the linguistic origins of England’s place-names – a project of the English Place-Name Society, founded 1923.

Beam Heath

Early-attested site in the Parish of Nantwich

Historical Forms

  • boscus de Creche c.1130 Cott.Faust.Bviii 1479 Ch H3 Dugd 1331 1266
  • (the common of Wich Malbanc called) Creche 1472 AddCh
  • the Croach 1621 Orm2 1656
  • le Bem(e)heth 1442 Dav 1478,1545 AddCh
  • le beame heth(e) 15 Rich 1579 AddCh
  • Beam Heath 1719 Sheaf


'The mound, hill or barrow', v. cruc 1 (Pr Welsh *crǖg ). The later name is 'heath at the Beam', from hǣð and Beam Bridge supra , cf. Beam St. supra. Beam Heath is now a district at the end of Beam St., but the name formerly described a considerable area in which Nantwich had common rights. Webb, 1621, describes 'a fine common, called the Croach , extending from the end of Beam-street by Weaver side to the length of a mile and a half…in breadth a quarter of a mile, where the inhabitants summer their cattle' (Orm2iii292), cf. Cow Fields supra . This extent is approximately that shown in Bry, 1831, including the northern and eastern parts of Alvaston township (v. 28supra ). The boundary of Beam Heath in Alvaston township was probably settled in the agreement of 1285 printed in Orm2 iii 451.The heath also extended into Wistaston township, cf. Critch Fd 48infra .