English Place-name Society

Survey of English Place-Names

A county-by-county guide to the linguistic origins of England’s place-names – a project of the English Place-Name Society, founded 1923.

The Barony, Barony Rd

Early-attested site in the Parish of Nantwich

Historical Forms

  • Baronee 1493 ChRR
  • baronia Wichi Maubanci 1252 RBE


The Barony, Barony Rd, Baronee 1493 ChRR, cf. le Barones medew (e )1363MinAcct , 1439 Orm2, 'land of the barony of Nantwich', 'the Baron's meadow', v. baronie , baroun , mǣd . This is the last trace of the extensive fee of the Malbanc family, baronia Wichi Maubanci 1252 RBE, et freq passim with variant spellings as for Nantwich supra . This great fee, almost co-extensive with Nantwich hundred (v. 1supra ), was shared out among three co-heiresses in 1342 (DKR xxvii, Appendix ii, 478), and so disintegrated.