English Place-name Society

Survey of English Place-Names

A county-by-county guide to the linguistic origins of England’s place-names – a project of the English Place-Name Society, founded 1923.

Rilshaw, Rilshaw Lane

Other OS name in the Parish of Davenham

Historical Forms

  • Ryelshall 1536 ChRR 1574 Orm2 1562
  • Ryelshaw 1562 ib
  • Raleshawe 1599 ib
  • Relshaw's tenement 1749 Sheaf


, 1838TA , Ryelshall 1536(1574) ChRR, 1562 Orm2, Ryelshaw 1562 ib, Raleshawe (lit. Kaleshawe ) 1599ib iii216, Relshaw 's tenement 1749 Sheaf , ' wood at rye-hill ' , v. ryge , hyll , sceaga .

Places in the same Parish