Northwich Hundred
Hundred in the County of Cheshire
Historical Forms
- Mildestuic(h) Hundred' 1086 DB
- hundred' de Nor(t)wic, Nor(t)wic Hundred' 1260 Court
- (le) Birches 1265–1291 Chest
- Birches iuxta Shibbrok 1308 Orm2
- Birches super Rodeheyth iuxta Lostock Gralam 1314 AddCh
- Birches juxta Schidbrok et Lostock Gralam 1321 ib
- Birches Hall 1690 Sheaf
- Hangman's Lane 1842 OS
- sepes et fossatum de Birches 1284 Chol
- (le) Holes c.1270 1480 ChRR
- Holes super Ruddeheth, Holes iuxta Lostok 1330 Pat
- Holesheth 1353 BPR
- le Hols 1433 ChRR
- (le) Huls 1350 ChRR 1535 VE
- le Hules 1359 ChRR
- Hulles in Lostokgrauenham E3 Surv
- Hulse 14 ChRR 1465 ArlB
- the Hall of Hulse 1614 ChRR
- Hulsse c.1539 Dugd
- Houlesheth 1353 BPR
- Househeath 1650 LRMB278
- Hulse Lane 1842 OS
- Sulinfeld 1269–91
- Lece 1086 DB(ff.266,267b)
- Lache 1190–1220 Chest 1259 Plea
- Lach 1287 AD
- Lache apud Rudhethe, Lache iuxta Rudhethe, Lache super Rudhethe, Lache in Rudhethe 1277 1277 VR 14 ChFor 1301–7 Ch 1312
- Lache Deneys 1260 Court c.1294 ChFor
- Lache deyneis c.1294 ChFor
- Lache deyneys E3 Surv
- Lache deynys 1332 Chol
- Lache deynes 1534 Plea
- Lache deins 1579 ChRR
- Lache Dennis 1312 AD
- Lache Dennys 1595 Chol
- Lache denys 1332 1619 ChRR
- Lache denys super Roddehed' 1332 Chol
- Lache Denis 1570 ChRR
- Lache denes 1598 Chol
- Lache Maubanc c.1270 Chest
- Lachemaubank super Rudeheth 1362 Plea
- Lache Merton E3 Surv
- Merton E3 Surv 1356 BPR
- Lache 1535 VE
- Erdscagh 1349 Tab
- Erdshaw 1457 Orm2 1758 Sheaf
- Erdschawe 1475 MidCh
- Erdeshawe 1532 Plea
- Eardshawe 1677 LRMB211
- Eardshaw 1736 Sheaf
- Eardshaw Hall 1819 Orm1
- Ernshaghe 1353 MinAcct
- Earnshaw Hall 1831 Bry
- Erdestlegh 1494 MidCh
- Herdescha 1529 MidCh
- Yerdshagh 1532 Plea
- Yerdsha' 1539 Orm2
- Yerdesha' 1540 MidCh
- Yerdeshawe 17 ib
- Yeardshaw(e) 1615 ChCert 1624 Earw
- Yardshaw 1740 Cre
- Earnslow Grange 1845 ChetOSviii
- Heronshaw Hall in Rudheath…commonly called Yarnshaw Hall 1880 Sheaf
- Lachgreene 1609 Rental
- Leach Greene 1650 LRMB278
- Lachegreene alias Lache domus c.1662 Surv
- Lach Green 1690 Sheaf
- King's Lane 1650 LRMB278 1831 Bry
- Lachebothe, le Bothe c.1300
- Le Lachebothe, Lachebothdych c.1380–90
- the Laches otherwise Boowefyeldes 1595
- The Laches 1654
- Lostoch(e) 1096–1101(1280),1150 Chest c.1230 JRC e14 AddCh
- Lostock(e) 1154–89 Tab 1257 Chest 17 Court 1288
- Lostok l12 Dow 1353 BPR
- Lostock(e) super Rudhethe 1316 Orm2
- Lostoke 1277 Dugd(p) 1532 AD
- Losstoc 1280 AddCh
- Losthoke 1281 Tab
- Lastoc c.1200 Facs 1202–10 Sheaf
- Lastock(e) 1690,1775 ib
- Lodestock e13 Dieul
- Loustoc e13 Tab
- Louestok 1355 BPR
- Lachestoke 1277 VR
- Lustok 1287 Court
- (le) Lostoke Graliam 1288 Court
- Gralam Lostock' 1323 Chol
- Lostok Grau(en)ham E3 Surv 1334 JRC
- Lostock Granam 1673 Sheaf
- Nether Lostock 1386 Orm2
- Nethir Lostock Gralam, Neither Lostock Gralam 1505,1548 Tab
- Loston' 1514 MinAcct
- Banecroft c.1294 ChFor 1357 Eyre
- Bancroft(e) 1357 Eyre 1397 Plea
- the manor of Bancroft(e) 1494 ChRR
- a messuage called Bancroft(e) 1561 ib
- Bancroft(e) in Lostok 1417 ib
- Longford c.1260 Tab 1362 ChRR 1427 Plea
- Lostock Green 1842 OS
- Parva Lostock E2 Orm2
- Parva lostok 1514 MinAcct
- Lostock 1531 AD 1775 Sheaf
- Lostoke 1534 AD
- Robin Hood Green 1831 Bry
- Cooks Lane 1831 ib
- Croebridge 1619 Sheaf
- Holfords of the Field 1663 Mere
- Bonners Green 1831 Bry
- Lostock Hollow, Lostock Hollow Bridge 1831 Bry
- regia strata 1310–30 Chol
- Mosse Lane 1622 Sheaf310,18
- Moss Lane 1741 Sheaf
- Moss Lane Farm 1831 Bry
- Over Street Farm 1831 Bry
- Overstreet(e), Overstreet(e) House 1652,1666,1672 Mere
- Overstreet(e) in Lostock Gralam 1679 ib
- Overstreet(e) near Northwich 1700 Chol
- Pasture Wood 1831 Bry
- Peover Eye Bridge 1831 Bry
- the banke c.1550
- Lord's Mdw 1741 Sheaf
- the lytyll & the more pyngolt, the lityll & the more pyngolt, the lityll & the more pynghold 1549, 1550
- the wetefelde 1549
- Whitfield c.1240 (17)
- the whitte feld 1550
- Wich 1086 DB
- le Wiche 1299 Tab
- Wych 14 Whall
- Wycus 1258 ib
- Wicus 1320 Mere
- Wyc 1307 LRODx
- Wiz 1351 BPR
- Norwich 1086 DB 1184 P 1646 Sheaf
- Norhtwich, Northwich 1119(1150),1119(1280),1150 Chest
- le Northwich, the Northwich 1296 Plea 1375 Tab 1458 AddCh 1656 Orm2
- Northwich(toun), Northwich apon Wyver c.1536 Leland
- Northoyche 1571 Sheaf
- les Wyches c.1200 Orm2
- villae de Wichis c.1304 AddCh
- the Wiches 1355 BPR
- les deux Wiz 1351 BPR
- ambo Wyci 1317 AddCh
- regalis via e14 JRC
- le Kynges Strete 1499 Adl
- the kynges hey strete 1546 Chol
- the heyghe streete 1556 ib
- le Gromhyll' 1295 Chol
- the Cromhill 1458 AddCh
- le holow wey hed 1538 AOMB
- The Swine Market 1712,1725 ib
- Ledesmythe 1415 ChRR
- le Ledesmyth(e) 1460 ChCert 1514 Orm2
- Cogeshull' Whichous 1487 ib
- Coggshall Wich-howse 1650 ParlSurv
- le Frewichehouses 1352 BPR 1420 MinAcct
- le Whiteleghwichous 1354 BPR
- Whitele Wichouses 1355 ib
- Whitele wychehous 1386 MinAcct
- Whytewych house 1423 ib
- Whitewich 1507 ib
- Whitley Wich-howse 1650 ParlSurv
- le pont de Northwiz 1351 BPR
- pons de Northwich 1392,1408 ChRR
- Northwich bridge 1619 Sheaf
- Weaver Bridge 1831 Bry
- Witton cum Twambrook 1860 White
- Witton cum Twembrook 1819 Orm2
- Wytton et Twembrok' 1430 Dav
- Witune 1086 DB
- Wytton alias Wytune 1581 ChRR
- Witton c.1200 Peov
- Witton-Crosse 1343 ChRR 1471
- Witton (et) le Crosse 1367 1582 ib
- Woton 1504 Pat
- Northwych Chapel 1718 ChetOSviii
- one street called Wytton 1621 Orm2
- Wittonstreet 1814 Sheaf
- Tynebroc l12 Tab
- Twinebrokes, Twynebrokes 1228 Sheaf, Tab
- Tromebrokes 1228 Tab
- Twenebrokys c.1270 JRC
- Twenebrokis, Twen(e)brokes e14 1322 Plea 1386 IpmR
- Tuenebrokes in territorio de Wymyncham, Tuenebrokes iuxta Wytton e14 JRC 1317 Plea
- Tuenebrokes within Wymyncham 1328 Orm2
- Tuenebrokes hamelettum de Wymyncham 1334 JRC
- Tuenebrok 1357,1358 BPR
- Twanlbrooke l13 Tab
- Twnnebrokes 1308 Plea
- Thembrokes 1398 ChRR
- Twembroke 1424 Plea
- Twembrok 1519 ib
- Twembrooke 1641 Sheaf
- Twembrokes, Twembrokes in Wymmyncham 1426 JRC 1539 Plea
- Twambrookes 1673 ChRR
- Twambrook 1831 Bry
- Condate 7 RavGeog
- (le) Cros(se) 1343 Plea 1346 ChRR 1471
- Cross 1407 ib
- villa de Cros 1353 Indict
- maner' de Cros 1401 ChRR
- maner de Witton Crosse 1343 1471 ib
- Wytton et Cros(se), Witton et Cros(se) 1367 1582 ib
- Le Cros iuxta Northwicum 1377 Eyre
- the cross (by the Northewiche) 1541 AD 1557 Sheaf
- Ballance Quay 1845 TA
- Dunkirk Works 1733 Dep
- Pennys Lane 1831 Bry 1842 OS
- Wadebrook(e) Bridge 1619 Sheaf
- Witton Bridge 1426 Tab 1831 Bry
- Claycroft 1503, 15071, 15072
- Cleycroft 1515
- Cleycrofte 1539, 1558
- Allostok 13 MainwB 1312 Misc
- Allostock(e) 1234 Tab 17 AD 1534 ChRR 1539
- Allostock(e) or Over Lostock 1819 Orm2
- Allostoke 1503 ChRR
- Allelostock' 1310–30 Chol
- Alstoke 1312 InqAqd
- Alstok 1515 MinAcct
- Albostok, Albestok 1312 Fine, Orig
- Superior Lostok 1331 Tab
- Over Lostocke 1386 Orm2
- Alastoke 1547 MinAcct
- Allastock 1594 Tab
- Alwastocke 1554 MinAcct
- Alwastock 17 Tab
- Allestocke 1673 ChRR
- All Lostock 1724 NotCestr
- Bradshawe 12 Tab
- Bradshaw 1234 ib
- Bradshaghfeld 1465 Tab
- Bradshaghfild 1472 ChRR
- Bradshawbrooke 1554 Orm2
- a horse bridge over Bradshawe 1619 Sheaf
- Bradshaw House, Bradshaw Brook Bridge 1831 Bry
- Bradshaw Bridge 1842 OS
- Bradshaw hey 1845 TA
- Hulm c.1212 Morris 1219 Chol
- Hulme c.1233 Orm2
- maner' de Hulme 1430 ChRR
- Holme 1292 Orm2
- (le) Holm c.1294 ChFor c.1320 Chol
- Houlme (in Allostock) 1464 Orm2 17
- Houlme juxta Nether-Pever 1666 ib
- Hoome c.1662 Surv
- Hulme Sprynge 1549 Chol
- the water milne of Hulme called Hulme mylne 1549 Chol
- vadum de Porteford' 1291–1316 Chest
- Le Porteforth, Le Porteforde E3 ChRR
- Portforth 1346 VR
- Portforde 1445 ChRR
- Portford 1650 LRMB278
- Portford Bridge 1831 Bry
- Peckford Bridge 1619 Sheaf
- Booth Beds 1842 OS
- Rough Bed 1831 Bry
- Bowbedd House 17 Sheaf
- Bull's Head (Inn) 1831 Bry 1842 OS
- Cross Lanes 1831 Bry
- Gullet 1842 ib
- High Field 1842 OS
- Hole House 1845 TA
- New Plat 1831 Bry
- The Gall Plantation 1831 Bry 1842 OS
- Old Plantation 1831 Bry
- the two Cross fields 1768
- Sheponfeld 1465
- Pevre 1086 DB
- Peure 1194 Facs 1295 Lacy
- Inferior Pev(e)re, Nether(e) Pev(e)re, Nethir(e) Pev(e)re, Inferior Pever, Nether(e) Pever, Nethir(e) Pever, Inferior Peuer, Nether(e) Peuer, Nethir(e) Peuer 1288 Court 1292,l13 Tab 1302 ChF 1310 Plea 1375 AddCh
- le Nether Peuere 1345 Eyre
- Netre P(h)efre, Inferior P(h)efre 1317 Chol
- Nether Pevor 1507 ib
- Peua c.1200 Tab
- Inferior Peuerhe l13 Tab
- Piuer Inferior l13 Tab
- Nether Pyver 1540 Dugd
- Nether Peover 1508 Tab
- Great Peover 1641 Sheaf
- Lower Peover 1724 NotCestr
- Nether Peever 1621 Orm2
- Greater Peever 1676 Tab
- Neither Peever 1702 ib
- Back Lane 1831 Bry
- Crown Lane Farm 1842 OS
- Crowne Inne 1702 Tab
- The Crown 1831 Bry
- Peever Heath 1677 Tab
- Peover Heath Covert 1831 Bry
- Coppocks Mill 1831 Bry
- the purchased lande 1491 Tab
- Graveners Bankes alias the purchased lande 1564 ib
- Wooden Bridge 1831 Bry
- Yewtree House 1831 ib
- the Blind Hole 1695
- (le) Bradefeld l13–
- le Brocfeld 1317
- Chyrchefeld H3
- Chirchefeld in Inferior Peuere l13
- Feyre Plek 1535
- le Horseheye l13–
- Kyd Clough 1695
- Preyst Rydding 1545
- Smithy Field 1718
- le Catelond l13–
- le iii heys l13
- Lytlehey l13–
- houerforlone e14
- Hunstablesawe H32
- Hunstablesscalie e14
- Ormesforth 1346
- Rynesforth 1346
- Blakedenebroc 1287 Chest
- Blakedene in territorio de Kerthingham 1308 AddCh
- Blak(e)den(e) 1414 JRL 1423 Plea 1455 Tab
- Blak(e)don 1442 Orm2 1479 ChRR
- Blackden 1548 MainwB
- Blackeden 1573 LCWills
- Blagden 1621 Orm2
- Jodrell Bank 1831 Bry
- Croeneche 1086 DB
- Cranlach(e) 12 Dav H3 Orm2 c.1259 AD
- Crau(e)nach(e), Craw(e)nach(e), Crav(e)nach(e) l12,e13 H3 Orm2 13 AddCh 1260 MidCh 1284 Cre 1312 ChRR
- Craunac' 1249–65 Chest
- Craunathe 14 AD
- Crauneche 1346 VR
- Crauonach 1288 Court
- Kravmache e14 Dav
- Crauenhach E3 Surv
- Crav(e)nage 1417 Eyre 1422 ChRR
- Craunidg 1690 Sheaf
- Croulach 1188 Tab
- Croulache 1249–61 Chest 1260 ib
- Crowelach 1259 Plea
- Cran(n)ach(e) e13 Orm2 17 1246–60 Dav c.1300
- Cran(n)ach(e) in Ruddeheth 1346 VR
- Crannage 1318 Plea
- Crannadge 1621 Orm2
- Cranage 1399 ChRR
- Cranage Green 1752 Sheaf
- Cranage alias Craunidg 1690 ib
- Cronlach e13 Tab
- Craulach(e), Crawlach(e) 1220–30 AddCh 1233–44 Chest 17 MidCh a.1240
- Crawlach(e) cum Ermitagio 1245–9 Chest
- Crawelach(e) 1259 Plea
- Crawelacht 1260 Court
- Crounach(e) 1284 Chol 1287–91 Chest 1291 VR 1338
- Cronnache c.1290 Chol
- Grannage 1353 BPR
- Granage 1553 Pat
- Craumache 1354 BPR
- Cran(n)enach(e) 1359,1398 ChRR
- Cran(n)enage 1423 ib
- Carnage 1775 Sheaf
- Ermitage l12–e13 Chest
- (le) (H)Ermitag(e), Ermitagium 1245–9 c.1247 Tab 1259 Court 1260 l13 Tab
- Her(e)mytage 1513 Earw 1515 ChEx
- Craulach Ermitage, Craunach cum Ermitage 1259 Court
- Ermitage nigh Holmes Chappel 1666 Orm2
- the Ermitage 1548 AD
- the hall of Ermitage 1631 ChRR
- Hermitorium e13 Chest
- le Ermites, le Ermytes, le Ermetes 1333 Vern 1334 Plea 1348 Eyre
- (le) Armytage, (le) Armitage 1504 ChRR 1510 MidCh
- the Armytage 1540 AD
- pons de Cranlach(e) 12 Dav 1656 Orm2
- Cranage manor and place c.1536 Leland
- Hollins Clough 1831 Bry
- King's Lane 1831 ib
- Nook House 1831 ib
- The Hitch 1831 ib
- minera de Ruddheth infra metas de Craulach 1270–71 Chest
- minera de Ruddehet, minera super Rudeheth c.1277
- Swan 1831 Bry
- lands called Cletherowes 1609
- Clitherowes 1677
- le Cliff 1307–27
- Wintgat', Wyntgat' 12
- Winegat' l12–
- Windhgates, Wyngat' 1245–9
- Wingates 1288
- Gostre et Berneshagh' 1430 Dav
- Goostree cum Barneshawe 1597 ib
- Barnshaw cum Goostrey 1845 ChetOSviii
- Bernulisah' 1190–1220 Chest
- Bernul(e)s(c)hawe 1249–65 e14 Chest
- Berlesshawe 1244 Chest
- Berlesschawe 1291–1305 17 ib
- Berlesshaw(e) 1295 Ch, CRC
- Bernulue(s)s(cag') 1248 Dav 1249–65 Chest
- Bernulf(e)sh(ah)', Bernulf(e)schawe 1249–65 Chest
- Bernulhessahe 13 AD
- Bernulphshaw 13 Chest
- Berne(s)s(c)hawe 1249–65 Chest 1291 Tax 1291–1305 Chest
- Berne(s)shagwe 13 Tab
- Berne(s)shagh(e) 1353 Indict 1396 ChRR
- Barneshagh 1483 MidCh
- Barneshaw(e) 1535 VE
- Barnshawe 1579 Dugd
- the hall of Barnshawe 1654 AddCh
- Barnshaw 1621 Orm2
- Baronshaw 1541 Dugd
- Burneshawe 1553 Pat
- aqua de Bernulschawe 1249–65 Chest
- Gostrel 1086 DB
- Gostrey 1119 Chest 17 Tab 14
- Gostrey Chapel, a great township 1621 Orm2
- Gostre 1190–1220 Chest 1553 Pat
- Gostree 1539 Dugd
- Gosetro 1119(1150),1150 Chest
- Gosetre 1119(1280),1249–61 ib
- Gosetree 1361 Eyre
- le Gosetr' 1468 MinAcct
- Gorestre(e) 1192–1208 Chest 1192–1208 Orm2 17
- Goristre c.1220–30 AddCh 1233–9 Chest
- Gorstre(e) 1265–91 1267 Ch 1283–8 Chest
- Goostre 1258 Chest
- Goostrey 1272–1305 MidCh
- Goostree c.1536 Orm2
- Goosetrey 1579 Dugd 1831 Bry
- Goustree 1265–91 Chest 17 Orm2 1352
- Gortre 1283 Chest
- Coystre alias Gostre 1554 Pat
- Gossetre 1560 Sheaf
- Goulstry 1650 LRMB278
- Goestre 1653 Sheaf
- Bullmarsh Farm 1831 Bry
- Bomish House 1842 OS
- Bongs Wood 1831 Bry
- Crooks Hall Farm 1831 Bry
- Gailey Wood 1831 Bry
- molendinum de Gorestre 1249–65 Chest
- Mill Farm 1831 Bry
- Pool Head 1842 OS
- Shawcroft 1831 Bry
- Swanwich Hall 1860 White
- Winterbottom Farm 1831 Bry
- Wood End 1831 ib
- Bromicroft 1287
- Hazle Cover 1842
- Bistouisnabbe 1291–1305 (17)
- Rogereswey(e), Rogerisway 1291– 1305, 1346, E3
- Ley(e)s e13 Chest
- Lehges, Leyg' 1244 ib
- le(s) Leghes, Leghes c.1271 1659 ChRR
- Ley(e)s super Ruddehet 1271 Chest
- Leighes-Rudheath 1659 ChRR
- Lees 1546 Dugd
- Leese 1860 White
- Loges 1244 Chest
- le Layes 1351 Chamb
- Lyes 1549 JRL
- Earnshaw Hall 1842 OS
- Peartree 1831 Bry
- Wystelyngschawe, Swhistelyingschawe, Whistelingschawe E3 (p)
- Whystelhaghe 1346
- Quystelshagh 1375 (p)
- Whistelschawe 1378 (p)
- Whistelshagh' 1380 (p), 1407, 1408 (p)
- Dernelehegreene e13 (17)
- Dernelehegreue 1244
- Dernelekegreve 1226–8 (17)
- Tuam(e)lou(e), Twam(e)lou(e), Twam(e)law, Twam(e)lawe, Twam(e)lawa, Twam(e)low(e), Twam(e)l(au) 12 Dav c.1185 Chol l12–e13 l12–e13 Ch 1300 AD(iv105) 1299 Orm2
- Twamlag 1277 Chest
- Thwamlawe l12 Pat 1300
- Twhamlawe 1281 CRC
- Twanlawe H3 Orm2
- Twemlowe l12–e13 Fitt 1291 Misc 1640 ChRR
- Twemlow 1408 VR
- Twemloe 1697 Dow
- Twem(e)lawe 1259 Court 1284 Ch
- Twem(e)lowe 1336 VR
- Thuemelowe 1281 Plea 1282 Court
- Tweemlow 1842 OS
- Twemlowe 1358 BPR 1549 ChCert
- T(h)amlawa, T(h)omlawa, T(h)omlawe, T(h)omlow(e) l12–e13 l12–e13 Pat 1425 Chest 1266
- Taumeleg' H3 JRC
- Themlowe 1278 Ipm
- Thumelowe l13 MidCh
- Twymelawe 1259 Court
- Twymlawe 1475 VR
- Twomlowe 1266–7 Chest 1291 VR 1468 MinAcct
- Twelowe 1345–53 MidCh
- No Town Farm 1831 Bry
- No Town 1842 OS
- Salterisforde c.1300 Dav
- Salteresford 1331 Pat
- Saltersford Bridge & Saltersford Farms 1831 Bry
- Black Yards Farm 1831 Bry
- Twemlow Farm 1831 Bry 1839 TA
- Blue Slates 1860 White
- Gilead Farm 1831 Bry
- Glead Farm 1842 OS
- grangia de Twem(e)lowe 1336 VR
- þe Broad Hay 1650
- The Dingle 1831
- þe long shutts 1650
- Hulm 12 Dav
- Hulm(e) H3 Orm2
- le Hulm 1288 Court
- Hulm iuxta Crannache 1335 Dav
- Hulm iuxta Daneport 1353 ib
- Hulm alias Church Hulme 1621 Orm2
- Holm(e) 1278 Ipm 14 Dav 1671 AddCh
- Holmes 1775 Sheaf
- Church(e) Hulm, Church(e) Hwlm c.1292 Orm2
- Church Hulme or Holmes Chapel 1831 Bry
- Holme chapell 1400–5 PremIt 1463 ChRR
- capella de Hulme c.1536 Orm2
- Hulme Chapel(l) 1687 ChetOSviii 1707 Sheaf
- Hulmesschapell 1483 AD
- Holmes Chapel 1591 Sheaf
- Holme's Chapel 1621 Orm2
- Holmschapple 1658 Sheaf
- Hulms Chappell 1681 ib
- Back Lane 1831 Bry
- Saltersford 1842 OS
- The Cottage 1831 Bry
- Lane-Ends 1784 Sheaf
- Manor House 1842 OS
- Marsh Lane, Marsh Lane House 1831 Bry
- Oaktree House 1831 Bry
- Oak House 1842 OS
- Ruycroff 1307–27 Dav
- Rycroft c.1350 ib
- Rie Croft 1840 TA
- Cotes c.1230 AddCh
- Coten c.1230 Orm2 1260 Court 1295 Lacy 1314 Plea
- Cotene l13 Tab
- Coton c.1230 Bark 13 MidCh c.1278 AddCh 1540 MidCh
- Cotona c.1294 Tab
- Cotton c.1296 MidCh
- the hall of Cotton c.1260 Orm2
- Cotyn 1260 Court
- Cotun a.1274 MidCh 1299 Orm2 c.1320 Chol 1277 Dugd(p) c.1380 ChRR
- Cotum 1305 Lacy
- Jointress Farm 1831 Bry
- Poolsford Lane 1842 OS
v. hundred .