English Place-name Society

Survey of English Place-Names

A county-by-county guide to the linguistic origins of England’s place-names – a project of the English Place-Name Society, founded 1923.

Carr Ho

Early-attested site in the Parish of Doncaster

Historical Forms

  • Kerhus(es) e.14 Linds 14 YDxvi,101
  • Kerhous 1379 PT 1576 YDvi
  • Carehouse 1424 YDvi 1546 YChant
  • Carhous(e) 1486 YDvi 1605 FF
  • Carhowses 1509 FF
  • le Carrehouse Chas1 Rent


Carr Ho, Kerhus (es )e. 14 Linds, 14 YD xvi, 101, Kerhous 1379 PT, 1576 YD vi, Carehouse 1424 YD vi, 1546 YChant, Carhous (e )1486 YD vi, 1605 FF, Carhowses 1509 FF, le Carrehouse Chas 1Rent . 'House on the marsh', v. kjarr , hūs ; cf. Carr Hill and Doncaster Carr infra .The name occurs elsewhere in YW.