Lion Lodge (Plant.)
Other OS name in the Parish of Sturminster Marshall
Places in the same Parish
Other OS name
- Spring Coppice
- Springfield Fm
- Square Pit
- Stag Gate (Plant.)
- Sturminster Fds(lost)
- Three Cornered Clump
- Tirel's(lost)
- Townsend
- Vines Close
- Wadham's(lost)
- West Wd
- Gt Almer Wd
- Austen's Plant.
- Barrow Hill
- Black Horse P.H.
- Bluett's(lost)
- Bonville's(lost)
- Cave's Corner
- Chalk Pit
- Lt Charborough Pit
- Church Dairy
- Church Ho
- Church Ho
- (Hr) Combe Fm, Combe Row
- Coxditch
- Crumpet's Fm, Lr Crumpets
- Field Dairy
- Fox Covert
- Fox Holes Ctgs & Fox Holes Wd
- Gorge's(lost)
- Green Lane
- Henbury Park & Henbury Plant.
- Heron Grove
- Hovel's Ctgs
- Jubilee Brick Works & Jubilee Ctgs
- Limekiln Coppice
- Loop's(lost)
- Magg's Bridge
- Millmore
- Moor Lane
- New Bldgs
- Newton Ctg & Newton Rd
- Notting Hill
- Philpott's Row
- Red Lion Inn
- The Row
- St Mary's Church
- Hr Sandy Coppice
- White Mill Bridge