Mana Butts
Other OS name in the Parish of Tavistock and Tavistock Hamlets
. Cf. Butt Park 1587 AD v . The name must have reference to archery butts . The first element is possibly that found in Manadon infra 246 .
Places in the same Parish
Early-attested site
- Crowndale
- Whitham
- Azores
- Bannawell
- Bowrish Cottages
- Stilesweek
- Woodovis
- Crebor
- Hurdwick
- Indescombe
- Milemead
- Nutley
- Parswell
- Pettypace
- Pixon Lane
- Rubbytown
- Rumonsleigh Cottages
- Shilla Mill
- Gulworthy
- Wilminstone
Other OS name
- Fitzford Cottages
- Morwellham
- Abbotsfield
- Artiscombe
- Blanchdown Wood
- Briscotts Cottage
- Broadwell
- Buctor
- Burnford
- Chipshop
- Crelake
- Grammerby Wood
- Hartshole
- Hatchwood
- Hele
- Hocklake
- Impham
- Kilworthy
- Kingford
- Luscombe Down
- Maddacleave Wood
- Downhouse
- Morwell Down
- Morwell
- Newton
- Ogbear
- Parkwood
- Particliffe Wood
- Radge
- Ramsham Wood
- Sandypark
- Sheepridge
- Taviton