English Place-name Society

Survey of English Place-Names

A county-by-county guide to the linguistic origins of England’s place-names – a project of the English Place-Name Society, founded 1923.

Bagley Fm

Early-attested site in the Parish of Tickhill

Historical Forms

  • Bagalaia 1148,1156 YCh179,186
  • -ley 1158–66 ib
  • Baggeley(e) 13 YDx 1336 FF 1355 MinAcct
  • Bagle(y) 1373 Ipm 1539 YI
  • (le) Bagelay, -ley 1411,1427 YDx


Bagley Fm, Bagalaia 1148, 1156 YCh 179, 186, -ley 1158–66 ib 175, Baggeley (e )13 YD x, 1336 FF, 1355MinAcct 22, Bagle (y )1373 Ipm, 1539 YI, (le ) Bagelay , -ley 1411, 1427 YD x. Probably 'badger glade', v. bagga , lēah . For the problems presented by the numerous Bag - p.ns. v. EPN i, 17. The interpretation suggested seems most likely; cf. also Bag Hill ii, 78, Bagley iii, 230infra .