English Place-name Society

Survey of English Place-Names

A county-by-county guide to the linguistic origins of England’s place-names – a project of the English Place-Name Society, founded 1923.


Early-attested site in the Parish of Tickhill

Historical Forms

  • Lyndryk 1424 YDx
  • Lindrick Croft 16 Hnt
  • Lyndrik Crofte 1540 MinAcct


Lindrick, Lyndryk 1424 YD x, Lindrick Croft 16 Hnt, Lyndrik Crofte 1540MinAcct . 'Narrow strip of land growing with limes', v. lind , ric . OE  ric appears to be used of 'a narrow strip, esp. one growing with trees', and the compound with lind appears several times, Lendrick (Bramham) pt. iv, Lindrick 148, pt. v, and as the name of an undefined district in Nt 12; there was also a f.n. Lyndrik in Ackworth ii, 95infra . Cf. also Rastrick iii, 38, Cookridge (Adel) pt. iv, Escrick YE 267 (from eski 'ash'); it also meant 'a ditch' (as in Skitterick ii, 168 infra ); Lindrick Nt is described as bosco 'wood' and fossatum 'ditch'. v. further EPN ii, 83.