Croft Hills
Early-attested site in the Parish of Littleport
Croft Hills is so named c. 1825 (O.S.). Cf. Littleport Crofts 1606Depositions , Lyttleport Craftes 1672FenL . Hence was named the Old Croft River supra 9. Major Gordon Fowler points out that Jonas Moore's map shows that in his day the old flood plain of the course of the Welney north of Littleport was occupied by an almost continuous line of little crofts or small holdings, abutting upon the river (CAPr xxxiv, 24).
Places in the same Parish
Early-attested site
- Apes Hall
- Burnt Fen
- Camel Drove
- Chain Fm
- Crouch Moor
- Deepney Drove
- Hale Drove
- Hawkins's Drove
- Mow Fen
- Sketchdoles Fm
- Spaindelf Fm
- Weltmore Fm
- Wood Fen
Other OS name
- Crouch Moor Fm
- Black Bank
- Black Horse Drove
- Old Pool Drove
- Poplar Drove
- Willow Row Drove
- Black Horse Fm
- Burnt Chimney Drove
- Dairy Houses
- Burnt Fen
- Cross Drove
- Grubb's Fm
- Hill Fm
- The Holmes
- The Hundreds
- Littleport Bridge
- Littleport Fields
- Lock Spit Fm
- Mare Fen
- Middle Drove
- Mildenhall Drain
- The Plains
- Portley Hill
- Rack Fen
- Sandhill
- Scotland Fm
- Wadlode Fm
- West Moor Drove
- West Moor Fen
- White Hall Fm
- White Ho Fm
- White House Drove
- Willow Row Fms