English Place-name Society

Survey of English Place-Names

A county-by-county guide to the linguistic origins of England’s place-names – a project of the English Place-Name Society, founded 1923.

Upper Delphs, Lower Delphs

Early-attested site in the Parish of Haddenham

Historical Forms

  • le Delue 1330 Ct
  • le Delf 1343 ib
  • ye Delfes 1563 Fenlandv
  • the Delphs, the Nether delph, the Upper delph 1604 Atkyns
  • Lesdelfes called Delffet Osdelff 1549 Ct
  • Delfe et Esdelfe 1595 SP
  • Hisdelfe 1207 Rams 1344
  • Hosedelf 1221 ElyA
  • Os(e)delf 1251 ElyCouch 1277 Ely
  • Osdel(were) 1435 Peterhouse
  • Ousedelph 1604 Atkyns


Upper Delphs, Lower Delphs is le Delue 1330Ct , le Delf 1343 ib., y e Delfes 1563 Fenland v, the Delphs , the Nether delph , the Upper delph 1604Atkyns , v. (ge)delf. Alternatively they are known as Lesdelfes called Delffet Osdelff 1549Ct , Delfe et Esdelfe 1595SP , and the second of these is called Hisdelfe 1207 (1344) Rams, Hosedelf 1221ElyA , Os (e )delf 1251ElyCouch , 1277Ely , Osdel (were )1435Peterhouse , Ousedelph 1604Atkyns . The Delphs are on the banks of the Ouse, but the forms suggest that Osedelf , etc. refer not to the position by the Ouse but to the ose or ooze (OE  wāse) found in them.