English Place-name Society

Survey of English Place-Names

A county-by-county guide to the linguistic origins of England’s place-names – a project of the English Place-Name Society, founded 1923.

Velhurst Fm

Early-attested site in the Parish of Alfold

Historical Forms

  • Felhurst 1241 Ass
  • Felehurst 1332 SR
  • Felyhurst 1344 FF
  • Felherst 1530 Ct
  • Fellhurst al. Fellyhurst al. Vellhurst 1745 Rental


Velhurst Fm (6″) is Felhurst 1241Ass , Felehurst 1332 SR (p), Felyhurst 1344 FF, Felherst 1530Ct , Fellhurst al. Fellyhurst al. Vellhurst 1745Rental . This is probably identical with felghyrst , a p.n. found in a Hampshire charter (BCS 624). It would seem to denote a wood where timber suitable for fellies may be found.It would in that case possibly have a parallel in geochangra (BCS 1080) and Yokehurst (PN Sx 300), used of woods where yokes were made. Cf. also Mounterley (PN Nth 160) and Fellow Green supra 115.