Other OS name in the Parish of Woodchurch
, ( a house ) .
Places in the same Parish
Other OS name
- Robinson's Plantation
- Barnston Common
- Gills Lane
- Thingwall Common
- Rake Lane
- The Acres
- Dale House, Dale House Rd
- Meadow Ho
- Newtown
- Oaklands
- Pensby Ho & Pensby Rd
- The Pringles
- Slack Rd
- Smithy Lane
- Whitehouse, Whitehouse Lane
- Whitfield Lane
- Heathfield
- Irbymill Hill
- Irbymillhill Fm
- Limbo Lane
- Mill Cottage
- Redstones Fm
- The Rookery
- Ellison's Fm(lost)
- Landican Lane
- Prenton Bridge
- Woodchurch Lane
- Heath Heys
- Holm Lane, New Home Fm
- Mere Farm Rd
- Mill Hill
- Oxton Hall
- Oxton Heath
- Oxton Hill
- Townfield Lane
- Village Rd
- Woodchurch Rd
- The Croft
- Elms Fm
- Highfield Ho
- Arrowe Brook
- Arrowebrook Fm
- Arrowhouse Fm
- Card Plantation
- The Cottage
- Ivy Fm
- Limbo Lane
- Neilson's Plantation
- Nicholson's Plantation
- Border Fm
- Manor Fm & Manor Ho
- Thingwall Hall
- Tophouse Fm
- Barnston Hall
- Lower Fm
- Oakland
- The Orchard
- Thistlefield
- Lower Fm
- Mount Ho, Mount Rd & Mount Wood
- Prenton Bridge
- Prenton Brook
- Prenton Dell
- Prenton Lane
- Storeton Rd
- Woodchurch Rd
- Cross Hill
- The Fiddler's Folly(lost)
- Heathfield
- Manor Ho(lost)
- Pool Cottage
- Thingwall Mill(lost)
- Fleet Cottage
- Home Fm