English Place-name Society

Survey of English Place-Names

A county-by-county guide to the linguistic origins of England’s place-names – a project of the English Place-Name Society, founded 1923.


Early-attested site in the Parish of Arne

Historical Forms

  • Haymore Marsh 1571 Hutch3 1774 Hutch1 1861 Hutch3
  • Hymore extra Wareham' 1280 ib
  • (pastur' voc') Hymore in Purbyk(e) 1456 Weld1 1461 Rent 1463 Weld1
  • Heymore 1464,1469 ib
  • Hyghmore in Purbike, Highmore in Purbike, Highmore in Purbyke 1474 MinAcct 1475 Weld1


Haymore (lost, about SY 965885), Haymore Marsh 1571 Hutch3, 1774 Hutch1, 1861 Hutch3, 'the moor called Hymore extra Wareham '1280 ib, (pastur ' voc ') Hymore in Purbyk (e )1456Weld 1, 1461Rent , 1463Weld 1, Heymore 1464, 1469ib , Hyghmore in Purbike , Highmore in Purbike , Highmore in Purbyke 1474MinAcct , 1475Weld 1, 'marshy ground where hay was made', v. hēg (WSax ((e)g), mōr , with mersc , cf. Isle of Purbeck supra , Wareham par. infra .