English Place-name Society

Survey of English Place-Names

A county-by-county guide to the linguistic origins of England’s place-names – a project of the English Place-Name Society, founded 1923.


Major Settlement in the Parish of Brodsworth

Historical Forms

  • Brochesuuorde, Brodesuurde, Brodesworde 1086 DB
  • Broddeswrde, Broddesword(e) 1156 YCh 1173 1180–5 1185–96 1238 Pont 1300 Ebor
  • Broddesworth 13 1229 Ebor 1299 Abbr 1300 Ebor 1304 YI 1545 WillY
  • Broddeswurth 1221,1226 FF
  • Broddeswrth 1250 Ebor
  • Brodisworde 1180–5 YChviii
  • Bredeswrth 1246 Ch
  • Brodesworth, Brodeswurth 1285 KI 1291 Tax 1303 KF 15 Sawl193
  • Braddesworth 1376 FF
  • Broddisworth 1394 Linds


'Brodd's enclosure', v. worð . Although there is a well-evidenced ON , ODan  pers.n. Broddr , since OE  worð is very rarely combined with an ON word or name we should prefer Ekwall's suggestion of an OE  pers.n. Brord ; Brodd is not recorded, but it would be a strong and normally dissimilated form of the well-evidenced OE  Brorda ; Redin 45 notes a parallel weak form Brodda and Feilitzen 208 a variant Borda from DB, whilst Bord , the strong form of the latter enters into Balsall Heath, Bordsley Wo 351, 365, and other p.ns.