Early-attested site in the Parish of Puttenham
Historical Forms
- Frolberyes in Puttenham 1613 MinAcct
- Frosberry Lodge 1775 MandB
- Frollebur' 1294 FF
- Frollebury 1332 SR
Frollesbury (Kelly) is Frolberyes in Puttenham 1613MinAcct , Frosberry Lodge 1775 M and B, and is to be associated with William de Frollebur ' (1294 FF) and Stephen de Frollebury (1332 SR) who held land in the parish. It is probable that here, as in Frosbury supra 164, a few miles to the north, we have a manorial, rather than a local name. The family or families giving name to them must have come from Frobury (Ha), earlier Frollebur '1212 Fees, Frollebir '1242 Fees, Frollebury 1248 Pat et passim , Frolebir '1219 Fees, Froillebyr '1236Ass . On Puttenham Heath is an old tumulus called Frowsbury which gives us the local pronunciation of the name.