Great Bromley and Little Bromley
Major Settlement in the Parish of Great and Little Bromley
Historical Forms
- Brūbeleiam 1086 DB
- Brumleā, Brumleiam 1086 DB
- Brum(e)legh(a), Brum(e)leg(he), Brum(e)ley(e), Brum(e)le(ya), Brum(e)lee 1232 Bracton
- Brum(e)lee Magna, Brum(e)lee Parva 1238 SR 1345 Ipm
- Great Brummeley 1397 Pat
- Bromleg(h) 1258 FF 1301 Ipm 1336 Londin
- Bromele(y) 1272 FF
- moche Bromele(y) 1552 EAS(NS)i
- Brompleye 1341 NI
- Brunlega a.1272 Colch
- Bramley 1494 Ipm
- Moche Brymley 1506 BM
'Broom clearing,' v. brom , leah .
Places in the same Parish