English Place-name Society

Survey of English Place-Names

A county-by-county guide to the linguistic origins of England’s place-names – a project of the English Place-Name Society, founded 1923.

Whatcombe Fm & Whatcombe Ho, Hr Whatcombe & Lr Whatcombe

Early-attested site in the Parish of Winterborne Whitchurch

Historical Forms

  • Watecumbe 1288 Ass 1316 FA
  • Watecombe 1332 SR
  • Whatecumbe 1288 Ass
  • Whatecombe 1412 FA
  • Wadecombe 1327 SR
  • Wynterborn Wateco(u)mbe 1343–5 Ipm 1370 FF
  • Wynterborn Whatecombe 1402 IpmR
  • Watco(u)mbe 1363 Cl 1647 Bartelot
  • Whatcombe 1510 MP
  • Wynterbourn Whatcomb(e) 1544 PlR
  • Winterborn Whatcomb(e) 1774 Hutch1
  • Hr Whatcomb & Lr Whatcomb 1811 OS
  • on hwete cumb 943 ShaftR(S490) 15
  • Winterburn' Guah(e)bon 1235,1236 Cl


Whatcombe Fm & Whatcombe Ho (ST 837013), Hr Whatcombe & Lr Whatcombe, Watecumbe 1288Ass , 1316 FA, Watecombe 1332 SR, Whatecumbe 1288Ass , Whatecombe 1412 FA, Wadecombe 1327SR , Wynterborn Wateco (u )mbe 1343–5 Ipm, 1370 FF, Wynterborn Whatecombe 1402 IpmR, Watco (u )mbe 1363 Cl, 1647Bartelot , Whatcombe 1510MP et passim , Wynterbourn Whatcomb (e )1544PlR , Winterborn Whatcomb (e )1774 Hutch1, Hr Whatcomb & Lr Whatcomb 1811 OS, probably 'wet valley', v. wēt (WSax  wǣt), cumb , rather than 'valley where wheat is grown', v. hwǣte , cf. Whatcombe Brk 299; like the village itself, this place is on R. Winterborne. Fägersten 68 identifies on hwete cumb 943 (15) ShaftR (S 490) with this name, but this is not possible as pointed out by Forsberg 205, v. under Almer par. supra . The form Winterburn ' Guah (e )bon 1235, 1236 Cl is identified with Whatcombe in the indexes of those calendars; the affix is no doubt manorial, but no family of this name has been noted here.