English Place-name Society

Survey of English Place-Names

A county-by-county guide to the linguistic origins of England’s place-names – a project of the English Place-Name Society, founded 1923.

Crockway Fm

Early-attested site in the Parish of Maiden Newton

Historical Forms

  • Crockway Fm 1837 TA
  • Crokwey(e) 1287,1309 Drew 1332 SR 1350,1370 FF 1405 Cl 1426 Ilch 1428 Cl
  • Crockway(e) 1287,1553 Drew
  • Crockewey(e) 1309 1322 Ext
  • Crockeway 1678 Sheridan 1811 OS
  • Crokewey 1499 DCMDeed


Crockway Fm (SY 614959) [ˈkrɔkwei], Crockway Fm 1837TA , Crokwey (e )1287, 1309 Drew, 1332 SR (p), 1350, 1370 FF, 1405 Cl, 1426Ilch , 1428 Cl, Crockway (e )1287, 1553 Drew, Crockewey (e )1309 ib, 1322Ext , Crockeway 1678Sheridan , 1811 OS, Crokewey 1499DCMDeed , v. weg 'way, road'. The first el. is not quite certain. In spite of the proximity of Crockway to Cruxton infra , it is unlikely there is any etymological connection between the two names: if the pers.n. Croc had been present here too, the expected early form would have been Crokeswey . A formal possibility for the first el. would be crocc 'a crock, a pot' (perhaps then with an allusion to a medieval pottery or even to pot or tile fragments associated with the Frampton Roman villa and its tessellated pavement just ⅓ mile SE from here at SY 616953). However in view of the p.n. Hyde Crook (Crook 1670, v. under Frampton par. supra ) just ¾ mile ENE from here, Crockway is perhaps rather 'way to Crook ' (probably from ME  crok, OE  *crōc 'crook, bend'). Two ancient routeways from Somerset converge at Frampton 1½ miles SE: Crockway Fm is on one of these routes (now the A356), Hyde Crook on the other (the A37), and the 'Crook way' may have linked the two where a track is still marked on the 6″ map.