Major Settlement in the Parish of Bettiscombe
Historical Forms
- Bethescomme 1129 CartAnt 1190 Ch 1332
- Betthescumb' 1306 Forde 15
- Abbetescomba 1174–82 France
- Betescumbe 1244 Ass 1288 Ass
- Betescombe ib
- Betescome 1355 Pat
- Bertescumbe (sic) 1252 Ch
- Bettescum 1276 Cl
- Bettescumbe 1288 Ass 1291 Tax 1428 FA
- Bettescomb(e) 1327,1332 SR 1811 OS
- Bettescoumbe 1355 Pat
- Bedescombe 1409 HarlCh
- Beddescombe 1428 FA
- Bettyscombe 1436 Pat
- Bettiscomb 1673 Sheridan
- Battiscombe 1441 ADI
- Betscomb 1670 Sheridan
'Valley belonging to a man called Betti', from the OE pers.n. Betti (Redin 126) and cumb. At an early date this manor belonged to the Abbey of St Stephen, Caen (v. France 162, Hutch3 2276) and this may partly account for the late 12th-cent. form Abbetes - (v. abbat 'an abbot'); alternatively, initial A - may represent the Lat preposition ad (or OE æt ) 'at'. Edward in the comb ' was a taxpayer here in 1332 SR.