English Place-name Society

Survey of English Place-Names

A county-by-county guide to the linguistic origins of England’s place-names – a project of the English Place-Name Society, founded 1923.

Rush Ct

Early-attested site in the Parish of Sotwell

Historical Forms

  • la Russe 1280 BC c.1444
  • Russhe 1335 c.1444 ib
  • Ruysshe 1349 c.1444 ib
  • Reshe 1353 c.1444 ib
  • la Ruschecourt 1358 ChCh
  • La Resshe 1373 BC c.1444
  • Ruyshcourt 1444 1465 ChCh
  • la Rysshe, Rysshe 1455 BC
  • Rush Court 1632 PubLib(Clayton)


Rush Ct, la Russe 1280 (c. 1444) BC (p), La Russhe c. 1290 et freq (c. 1444) ib, Russhe 1335 (c. 1444) ib, Ruysshe 1349 (c. 1444) ib (p), Reshe 1353 (c. 1444) ib (p), la Ruschecourt 1358 ChCh, La Resshe 1373 (c. 1444) BC, Ruyshcourt 1444 ib, 1465 ChCh, la Rysshe , Rysshe 1455 BC, Rush Court 1632PubLib (Clayton ). BTSuppl gives a word rysce , with one reference from charter bounds and the suggested meaning 'a bed of rushes', which would be a satisfactory source for this name. Rush Ct is by the Thames. The same name occurs in Sutton Courtenay 425 and Steventon 423. Cf. also Löfvenberg 175–6.