English Place-name Society

Survey of English Place-Names

A county-by-county guide to the linguistic origins of England’s place-names – a project of the English Place-Name Society, founded 1923.

  1. Drake's Fm (Other OS name, Peasemore, Berkshire)

  2. Drake's Fm (Other OS name, Wambrook, Dorset)

    Drake 1550 Midd

    , 1863Hutch3 , cf. John Drake (a tenant) 1550Midd

  3. Drake's Lane (Other OS name, Cheselbourne, Dorset)

  4. Draker's Lane (Other OS name, Bishop Middleham, Durham)

    , cf. Drakers Crooks below

  5. Drakes Mill (Other OS name, Stalbridge, Dorset)

    le Myll lane 1599 Prideaux

    ( lost , ST 737164 ) , cf. le Myll lane 1599Prideaux , v. West Mill infra for other references to mills in Stalbridge