English Place-name Society

Survey of English Place-Names

A county-by-county guide to the linguistic origins of England’s place-names – a project of the English Place-Name Society, founded 1923.

Bear Tree Rd

Other OS name in the Parish of Rawmarsh

Historical Forms

  • Bertrees 1571 SheffMisc
  • the Beertrees 1694 YAS
  • Beartrees (Common) 1758 Fairb 1774 EnclA
  • birtre, byrtre, buirtre, buyrtre 12–13 YN


, Bertrees 1571 SheffMisc, the Beertrees 1694YAS 178, Beartrees (Common )1758 Fairb, 1774EnclA ; this tree-name is obscure, but may be a variant of bour-tree 'elder-tree'(v. bur-tre), which in ME p.ns. takes the form birtre , byrtre , buirtre ,buyrtre (12–13 YN 163, 267) ; the origin of bour-tree itself is unknown .