English Place-name Society

Survey of English Place-Names

A county-by-county guide to the linguistic origins of England’s place-names – a project of the English Place-Name Society, founded 1923.

Upper Haugh

Early-attested site in the Parish of Rawmarsh

Historical Forms

  • Haleges 1206 FF
  • Over Halk 1406 YI 1408 Pat 1409 BM
  • Ouerhalgh(e), Overhalgh(e) 1408 Pat 1530,1595 FF
  • Overhalght 1487 YDxiii,80
  • Haugh 1534 NCWills 1540 MinAcct
  • Over Haugh 1577 Edmunds 1586 WillY
  • Haugh Upper 1822 Langd


Upper Haugh, Haleges 1206 FF, Over Halk 1406 YI, 1408 Pat, 1409 BM, Ouerhalgh (e ), Overhalgh (e )1408 Pat, 1530, 1595 FF, Overhalght 1487 YD xiii, 80, Haugh 1534 NCWills, 1540MinAcct , Over Haugh 1577 Edmunds, 1586 WillY, Haugh Upper 1822 Langd. 'Secluded hollow in a hillside', v. halh . Nether Haugh 182infra , from which this place is distinguished as Over - (v. uferra ), is at the head of a small valley at right angles to the main valley of Wentworth Beck. The early Halk forms show some confusion with OE  halc of similar meaning.