English Place-name Society

Survey of English Place-Names

A county-by-county guide to the linguistic origins of England’s place-names – a project of the English Place-Name Society, founded 1923.

Burton Fen

Other OS name in the Parish of Burton by Lincoln

Historical Forms

  • Fen close, Fenside l16 Terrier
  • Fenn Syde 1610 Terrier
  • the cowgate in the fene and furs 1670 LNQ
  • Fen Lane 1818 Monson 1847 TA 1899 OS
  • Fen Riggs, North Fen, Common Fen 1847 TA


1577LCCM , 1762 Grundy , 1805TLE , Fen close ,Fenside l16Terrier , Fenn Syde 1610Terrier , the cowgate in the fene and furs 1670 LNQ, Fen Lane 1818Monson , 1847TA , 1899 OS, Fen Riggs ,North Fen , Common Fen 1847TA .