Broxton Hundred
Hundred in the County of Cheshire
Historical Forms
- Atiscros Hund' 1086 DB
- Dudestan Hund' 1086 DB
- hundred' de Dudestan 1217–29 Sheaf 1580
- hundred' de Duddeston 1217–29 Tab
- hundred of Dudestan 1499 Orm2ii633 19
- hundredum de Duistan 1499 Sheaf330
- Brex(is) 1260 Court
- Hundr' de Le Brex' 1293 Indict
- hundred' de Brexin c.1296 Court
- Holsuche 1545 Plea 1554,1565 ChRR
- Podmore 15 Rich
- Wyrloue c.1290 CholA13
- Hert' 1208–29 Sheaf 1580
- Herthil 1259 Court
- Herthul 1281 AddCh
- Herthull 1297 Plea 1517 ChEx
- Herthill 1357 BPR 1558 Orm2
- Herthyll 1402,1451 ChRR
- Hertyll 1432 Dav
- Herthell 1449 ChRR
- Harthil 1259 Court
- Harthill 1325 Chol 1619 ChRR E4(1574),1589
- Hartehull 1353 Chol
- Hertleye 1557 Sheaf31
- Bodnock Wood 1831 Bry
- Badnook Wood 1842 OS
- Comb Wood, The Comb 1831 Bry
- The Coombes 1842 OS
- Harthill Slade 14 Sheaf 17
- Harthill Lane 1831 Bry
- The Pool, Pool Field 1838 TA
- Harthill Moss 1842 OS
- Salters Lane 1842 OS
- Wood End 1842 OS
- ecclesia sancte Marie de Bruera, ecclesia de Bruera, Bruera 1141–57,1188–91,c.1200–20 Chest
- Bruera 13 ib
- chapel of Bruera 1214–23 ib
- town of Bruera 1257–94 ib
- de Bruario 1185 Facs
- capella de Bruwario 1216–23 Chest 17
- Brewera, Brewera Chappellrie 1620 Sheaf
- Bruera or Church en Heath 1663 ib
- chapelry of Bruera, chapel of Bruera 1696 ib
- Bruera situate in…Church in Heath 1724 NotCestr
- Bruera or Churton Heath 1831 Bry
- Heeth 1157–94 Chest
- le Heth 1317 ChRR
- le Heath 1303 Orm2 18
- Churchenheath 1294 Court
- Churchenhet' 1309–12 JRC
- Church in Heath, Church en Heath 1724 NotCestr
- Churchen Heath 1729 Sheaf
- Church on Heath Farme 1701 ib
- Chirch(e)o(n)theheth 1311 Plea 1313,1325 ChRR 1332 Pat
- þe Church on the Heath 1646 Sheaf
- Churton Heath 1547 Orm2 1609 Chol
- Churtonheath Chappell alias the Chappell of Bruera 1646 Sheaf
- Churton 1554 ib
- Churton Heath otherwise Churton on the Heath 1838 TA
- Church Heath 1729 Sheaf
- Huntington cum Cheveley 1819 Orm2
- Huntingdun 958 BCS1041 13 Chest 958 14
- Huntingdon 958 17 Misc 1295 ChRR 1607
- Huntingdon alias Huntington 1541 Dugd
- Huntyngdonwode 1354 Ch 1379 ChRR 1404
- Huntingdone Lane c.1620 Sheaf
- Hunditone 1086 DB
- Huntinthona 1096–1101 Chest 1280
- Huntintona 1096–1101 1280 17 ib
- Huntinton 1244 CRC 1357 Chamb 1579 Dugd
- Huntynton 1348 Eyre 1410 ChRR 1535 VE 1549 Sheaf
- Huntindona 1096–1101 Chest
- Huntindon 1188–91,c.1230,1244 1361 ChRR
- Huntithona 1096–1101 (17) Dugd, Chest
- Huntitona 1150 ib
- Huntington 1233–37 Chest 17 Pat 1553
- Huntyngton 1289 Court 1311 JRC 1514 ChRR
- Huntingtona c.1310 Chest
- Huntyngtonwodde 1499 Orm2
- Huntyngton Lane 1359 Sheaf
- Huntingtonhey 1560 ib
- Huntingtonwood 1573 1594 Morris
- the hall of Huntington 1589 Sheaf
- Huntington Hall 1656 Orm2
- Little Huntington 1831 Bry
- Huntedon 1281 Court
- Huntisdon 1281 Court
- Hontindon 1281 Chest 1296–7 Port
- Hontyndon, Hontyndon Wod 1540 Morris 1555 Sheaf
- Hunton 1353 BPR
- Hontynton, Hontynton Lane 1539 Sheaf
- 'the grange of the abbot of Chester at Huntynton' 1348 Eyre
- Potherbache 1354 Ch 1379
- Botherbache 1355 Sheaf 15 Morris 1355 16
- Puttesbache 1499 Orm2
- Butterbache 1540,1573,1594 Morris
- Butterbache Bridge 1545,1555 Sheaf
- Butterbach, Butterbach Bridge 1620 ib
- the Butter Bach, the Butter Bach Hill 1660 Rental
- Butter Bach 1842 OS
- Butter-back 1724 NotCestr
- Butter-beach 1785 Sheaf
- Butter Beach Farm 1831 Bry
- Ceofanlea 958 BCS1041 13 958 14
- Ceosaula 958 (17) Dugd, KCD 473
- Coesaulea 958 (16) Chest, Harl. 2060
- Cavelea 1086 DB
- Ceueleia 1096–1101(1280),1150 Chest
- Cheveleia 1096–1101 Chest 1280 17
- Cheueley 1188–91 ib
- Cheveley 1819 Orm2
- Cheyle 1178 Whall
- Cheyly, Chayly, Chayly Woods 1546 Sheaf
- Chelie 1620 ib
- Cheaveley or Chealey, Chealey 1831 Bry
- Chevale 1396 ChRR
- Cheyvelegh 1514 ChRR
- Cheavely 1656 Sheaf
- Cheyveley 1831 Bry
- Chouefly 1698 Sheaf
- Caufley 1699 Sheaf
- Henlake 1842 OS
- Crooked Dee 1831 Bry
- Eaton Boat Ferry House 1831 Bry
- Jemmy's Boat c.1850,1879 Sheaf
- Meadow House 1831 Bry
- Portall Heath, Porta Yate n.d. (17) Sheaf3 25 (5510), Harl. 2063
- Lane End 1831 Bry
- (the) Holmefild, Holmefeld 1546
- Hulme's Field or Gorsty Hayes 1663
- þe Parke 1660
- Le Lee et Newbold 1462 Orm2
- Lea cum Newbold 1819 1842 OS
- Lai 1086 DB
- Lay 1096–1101(1150),1150,1177–82 Chest
- le Lay 1150 1536 ChRR
- the Lay 1622 Sheaf
- the Lay Hall nere Odford 1698 ib
- Leey 1141–57 Chest 1528 Chol 1601 Sheaf
- le Leye 1294 Court
- Ley 1536 1547 Pat
- le Ley 1536 ChRR
- the Ley 1646 Chol
- Lee c.1200–20 Chest 1275 Ipm 1671 Sheaf
- la Lee 1275 Cl
- le Lee 1290 Fine
- the Lee 1433 Orm2 19
- Lee Senescalli l13 Chest
- Lee near Aldeford 1398 ChRR
- la Legh 1259 Cl
- Legh 1701 Sheaf
- Le c.1536 Leland
- Lea, Lea Hall, Lea Mill, Lea Wood 1620 Sheaf, Orm2
- Newbolt 1287 ChF 1521 Orm2
- Neubolt 1304 Chamb
- Newebolt 1391 ChRR
- Neubold iuxta Buyrton 1300–7 JRC
- Neubold Churchenhet' 1309–12 ib
- Neubold Goldeburne 1311 Plea
- Neubold Salghton 1315–16 ib
- Neubold 1314 1462 Orm2
- Newbolde 1413 Plea
- Newbold 1425 1831 Bry
- Neuuebold E2 CoLegh
- Newebold 1414 ChRR
- Newbolds 1523 ChRR
- Ley Newbold alias Lea Newbold 1615 ChCert
- Lea Newbold 1724 NotCestr
- Newbald 1724 NotCestr
- Lea Newball 1729 Sheaf
- Newbold Lodge 1831 Bry
- Great Broad Field & Little Broad Field 1650
- the Butchers Field 1650
- the Little Caterbach 1650
- the Field next the Heath 1650
- the Hill Crofts 1650
- the Great Mill Meadow & Little Mill Meadow, the Great Milne Meadow & Little Milne Meadow 1650
- the Oxlesowe 1622
- the Great Oxe Pasture 1650
- Round Field 1650
- Broad Field Lane 1831
- Thistle Field 1650
- Saltone 1086 DB
- Saltona 1096–1101(14),c.1150 Chest
- Salthona 1096–1101 Ch 1280
- Salton 1244 1252 Chol
- Salhtona 1096–1101 Chest 1280
- Salghton 1188–91,1244 1696 Sheaf
- Sauton 1208–26 Facs
- Saw(g)thon 1524 AD
- Sawghton 1562 Orm2 1663 Sheaf
- Shaughton on the Hill 1564 ib
- Saughton 1579 Dugd 1749 Sheaf
- Saughton on the Hill 1602 ib
- Saughton super Montem 1620 Orm2
- Saughton Hall 1749 Sheaf
- Salw(e)ton 1281 Court
- Saluhton 1281 Court
- Saluton 1281 Chest
- Saluthon 1291 Tax
- Salthton 1290 Court
- Saulghton 1514 ChRR
- Soughton 1539 Sheaf 17
- Soughton super Montem 1554 Pat
- Soughton (up)on the Hill 1588,1648 Sheaf
- Saighton 1579 Dugd
- Saighton upon the Hill 1598 ChRR
- Sayton 1648 Orm2
- Sayhton on the Hill 1700 Sheaf
- Saighton Grange 1819 Orm2
- Saighton Grange now called Saighton Tower 1882 ib
- Saighton Farm & Saighton Hall 1831 Bry
- Seyton 1648 Hem
- Seathton on the Hill 1700 Sheaf
- the Chappell 1620 Sheaf
- Saighton Chapel 1831 Bry
- Bruera or Church on Heath 1842 OS
- Chapel Lane 1831 Bry
- Chapel House 1842 OS
- Hatton Heath 1690 Sheaf
- bruera iacens iuxta Hatton et Salhton 1281 Chest 17
- Plats Rough 1842 OS
- Pulsey Bridge 1558 Sheaf
- Hatton Heath Fox Cover 1831 Bry
- Blackstreete Lane c.1539 Harl. 17
- bruera prope Assedale c.1300
- Beggers Brookes 1620
- Hall Lane 1831
- Hessedale 1281 (17)
- Merexedale 1281 (14)
'Æti 's cross', from the OE pers.n. Æti and cros , at Croes Ati in Flintshire, v. NCPN 233. 'Dudd's stone', from the OE pers.n. Dud (d ) and stān , meeting-place unknown, but cf. foll. The hundred is now called after Broxton 12infra , but there is no record of a hundred-meeting at Broxton, and it looks as if the meeting was at Golborne Hundred 88infra (perhaps Dudestan ) save that the barony of Malpas kept its own hundred-court at Malpas, v. 39infra . Broxton Hundred contains Dudestan Hundred less its detached parts now included in Eddisbury Hundred (Rushton, Over, Little Budworth, Alpraham, Alretone and Opetone 3 291, 170, 184, 300, 211, 161 and Thornton le Moors 3258), and less its members Bettisfield, Burwardestone and Worthenbury now included in Flintshire, and with the addition of Picton, Upton, Guilden Sutton, Mickle Trafford & Wervin 132, 142, 126, 133, 137infra , from Wilaveston (Wirral) Hundred, and Newton by Chester 145 infra from Chester Hundred, and Marlston cum Lache, Claverton and Dodleston 162, 160, 156infra , from Atiscros Hundred. The following are lost places in the hundred of Dudestan .