English Place-name Society

Survey of English Place-Names

A county-by-county guide to the linguistic origins of England’s place-names – a project of the English Place-Name Society, founded 1923.


Major Settlement in the Parish of Appleby St Lawrence

Historical Forms

  • Appilby, Appelby, -bi(a) 12 BylE 1132–61 Weth 1133–56 Whitby 1172 Pipe 1174 Fantosme 1176,1179 Pipe Ric1 Ch 1308 P 1193–1242 Cur 1198 HolmC c.1200 Pat 1204 Rent 1398 1546
  • Veteri- 1198 P 1289 FF
  • -infra baroniam 1429 FA
  • Aplebi, Apleby 1130 P 1275,1287 Abbr 1657 Comm
  • Appleby c.1540 Leland 1577 Harrison
  • Eppelbi, Eppelby Ric1 Ch 1308 Pat 1304
  • Apelby(e) 1224 Cur 1256 Ass1 1287 Abbr 1655 PR(R)
  • Appulby(e), Appulbie 1443,1448 Pat 1459 Fine 1504 Ipm 1609 Comm
  • Apulbye 1570 Comm


'Farmstead with an apple-tree', v. epli , replaced by OE  æppel in all but a few forms, . Appleby was the head of the Barony and County of Westmorland, and included the two parishes of St Lawrence and St Michael (ii, 93infra ).