English Place-name Society

Survey of English Place-Names

A county-by-county guide to the linguistic origins of England’s place-names – a project of the English Place-Name Society, founded 1923.


Early-attested site in the Parish of Bentham

Historical Forms

  • Ingelburc(h) 1165–77,1177 Furn
  • Ingelburgh 1177–1251 1293 QW
  • Ingilburg(h) 1401 Furn
  • Ingeburg(h) 1177,1251 ib


Ingleborough, Ingelburc (h )1165–77, 1177 Furn, Ingelburgh 1177–1251 ib (freq ), 1293 QW, Ingilburg (h )1401 Furn, Ingeburg (h )1177, 1251 ib.'Fortification near or on the hill called Ing-hyll or Ingel ', v. Ingleton supra , burh . There are ancient encampments on the mountain and a camp site at the foot of Ingleborough Hill a mile east of Ingleton (grid 90–710726), cf. VCH ii, 6.

Places in the same Parish

Early-attested site

Other OS name

Major Settlement