Major Settlement in the Parish of Selham
Historical Forms
- Seleham 1086 DB 1230 FF 1283 Ipm
- Selham 1230 FF
- Sellam 1604 MarC
- Seltham c.1200 SAC5,251 1291 Tax
- Suleham 1209 FF 1254 Perc 1279 Ass 1296 SR 1310 Seld20 1332 SR 1356 Ass 1428 FA
- Sulham c.1200 SAC5,251 1428 FA 1442 Cicestr 1752 Wills
- Sulleham 1279 Ass
- Soleham 1279 Ass 1296 SR
- Sylham 1428 FA
OE syla-ham , 'homestead of the wallowing-places,' from OE syle , a derivative from the same stem as sol. Selham lies low.Cf. beaddansyla , a Sussex denbær or swine-pasture, in BCS 961, possibly the same as Bassell's infra 185. Skeat gives the same etymology for Syleham (PN Sf 61).