Major Settlement in the Parish of Ditchling
Historical Forms
- Dicelinga 765 BCS197 c.1300
- Dicelingas 1121 AC
- Diccelingum c.880 BCS553 c.1000
- Dyccanlingum c.880 BCS554 15th
- Diceninges, Dicelinges, Digelinges 1086 DB
- Dicheninges t.Wm2 Lewes
- Dicheling, Dichelyng 1230 Cl 1242 Fees691 1278 Pat 1483 IpmR 1545 ADvi 1607 MarL
- Dechelyng 1490 Ipm
- Dichening(e), Dichyning(e) t.Hy3 ADiii 1671 MarL
- Digining 1274 Pat
- Dechenyng 1296 SR
- Dichlinge 1589 MarL
- Dicheling al. Dichening 1631 Recov
It has been suggested (Zachrisson, Vising Mélanges 180) that this is an ingas - derivative from an earlier Dicleah , but in view of the form in Alfred's will, supported as it is by another OE document, this is impossible. Dicleagingas could not appear as Diccelingas in those documents. It is also exceedingly doubtful if one can associate the name with dic at all, for Ditchling is certainly not in or near a ditch but on a well-marked hill. The same element Dicel - is probably found in Dickleburgh (Nf), DBDicclesburg , later Dicleburch etc., with stopping of c before l , and Dixton (Gl), DBDricledone (sic), c. 1150AOMB Diclesdun , 1175 P Dichelesdone . These point to a pers. name Dicel . Probably the same pers. name is found in Dishcombe (D), Disserescumb 1289Ass , Dyssheliscombe 1332SR , Dissheliscombe 1336Ass . Cf. also Dishenhurst supra 176.Hence, 'people of Dicel ,' v. ing .