Unstead Fm
Early-attested site in the Parish of Shalford
Historical Forms
- Tunhamstede 1235 Ass 1385 VCHiii,109
- Tuneshamstede 1241 Ass
- Tunshamstede, Tonshamstede 1263 Ass
- Tunshamstede 1279,1335 Ass 1386 Loseley
- Tunchamstede (sic) 1266 FF
- Tounsamstede 14th Loseley
- Unsted 1547 FF
- Unsted al. Townehamsted 1588 FF
- Unsted al. Cunsted (sic) al. Townhampsted t.Eliz ChancP
- Unsted al. Ownsted 1708 Recov
The persistent s in this name forbids our taking it to be a compound of tun and hamstede , even if such a compound were possible. Rather, we must take it to be a compound of the type found in Sīdeleshamstede (BCS 132) for the more common Sīdelesham (BCS 64) (v. Sidlesham PN Sx 85). An OE personal name Tūn is on record (v. Stevenson's note in Crawford Charters 131). Cf. also Tollsworth supra 43. The name must originally have been Tūnesham (stede ). At a late stage the ham would seem to have dropped out, and then at Tunsted developed to at Unsted .