Blackheath Hundred
Hundred in the County of Surrey
Historical Forms
- Blacheatfeld, Blachedfeld, Blachetfeld 1086 DB
- Blachehadfeld 1165,1166 P
- Blakehetfeld 1225 Ass
- Blachathfeld 1235 Fees
- Blachezfeld 1255 Ass
- Blakehethe 1332 SR
- Blakehethes 1344,1346 SR
The hundred-meeting place must at some time have been at Blackheath in Wonersh parish, an open furze-covered heath (v. feld ), but in an Assize Roll of 1377 and in the Godalming Court Rolls it is said to have been at La Perie , i.e. at Perry Bridge in Shalford (infra 248), on the road from Godalming to Bramley, on the extreme verge of the hundred. For a similar hundred- name cf. Blackheath (K), Blakehadfeld 1190 P.