English Place-name Society

Survey of English Place-Names

A county-by-county guide to the linguistic origins of England’s place-names – a project of the English Place-Name Society, founded 1923.

Thorn's Flush

Early-attested site in the Parish of Cranleigh

Historical Forms

  • Thornes Plushe 1548 LRMB
  • Thornesflush(e) 1577 Ct 1652 Rental
  • Thornesflesh 1619 Ct
  • Thornsplish 1749 B
  • Thornplish Gren 1765 R.


Thorn's Flush is Thornes Plushe 1548LRMB , Thornesflush (e )1577Ct , 1652Rental , Thornesflesh 1619Ct , Thornsplish 1749 B, Thornplish Gren 1765 R. The place is low-lying. It is clear that there has been confusion between the various words flash , flush , flosh , plash , plosh denoting 'muddy pool' and the like.