Major Settlement in the Parish of Lewknor
Historical Forms
- (æt) Leofecanoran 990 ASCharters
- Leovechenoram 1146 Abingdon c.1225
- Levec(h)anole 1086 DB
- Leuecanora c.1112 Abingdon c.1225
- Leuecanor' 1184 Ex late12th
- Leueconore c.1200 Abingdon c.1225
- Leuekenor 1138 Thame c.1200 Ass 1285
- Leouetanore 1185 Os
- Leucanor 1192 Os
- Levequenore 1198 FF
- Leueknor' 1206 Cur
- Leueknore, Leuecnore 1211 FF
- Leukenore 1207–8 Fine 1428 FA
- Leukenhouere 1236 GrossR
- Leukanouere 1285 Ass
- Leukemore 1328 Cl
- Louekenor' 1210 Cur
- Liuekenora 1221 Bract
- Luuechenora c.1225 Abingdon
- Lokenoure 1227 Ch
- Lekenor' 1241 Cl
- Leweknore 1254–5 RH
- Lewgenore alias Leukenore 1316 Ipm
- Lowkenore 1523 LS
- Lukenor 1675 Ogilby
'Lēofeca 's slope,' v. ōra . There is the usual confusion with ōfer in the second element.