English Place-name Society

Survey of English Place-Names

A county-by-county guide to the linguistic origins of England’s place-names – a project of the English Place-Name Society, founded 1923.

Sutton on the Forest

Major Settlement in the Parish of Sutton on the Forest

Historical Forms

  • Su(d)tune, Suton 1086 DB
  • Suttune 1145–53 Leon35 1252 Ch
  • Sutton(e) 1166 YCh 1167 P
  • Sutton(e) sub Galtris, Sutton(e) in Galtris 1242 Ebor
  • Sutton(e) in the Forest 1577 Saxton
  • Onegatesinton' 1229 Cl
  • Ouergate Sutton' 1231 Ass
  • Ougate Sutton' 1301 LS
  • Sutton Ouvgate 1316 For
  • houergate 1246 RegAlb iii. 2


'South farm' v. suþ , tun . If the form Onegatesinton ' is correct, its origin is probably an OE  sūþingatūn , 'farm of the dwellers south (of Stillington)'; cf. Westonby 130infra .

On the common addition v. Galtres 8supra . The prefixed name Ougate appears independently as houergate 1246RegAlb iii. 2, and there is no doubt that it contains ME  over , 'upper,' and gata , 'road.' The spellings with Ou - arise from the omission of the diacritic used in 13th cent. handwriting to denote er .

Places in the same Parish

Major Settlement