English Place-name Society

Survey of English Place-Names

A county-by-county guide to the linguistic origins of England’s place-names – a project of the English Place-Name Society, founded 1923.


Major Settlement in the Parish of Kirby Hill

Historical Forms

  • Burtun, Burtone 1086 DB 1300 YI 1301 LS
  • Hundesburton 1224–30 Fees 1283,1301 YI
  • Hundeburton 1276,1307 YI p.1290,1322 YD 1327 Pat
  • Hundburton 13 RichReg 1278 BM 1285 KI 1295 For 1408 YI
  • Hunburton(e) 1486 YD 1546 YChant 1579 FF


'Hund's burhtun' from the ON  pers. name Hundr (LindBN) or possibly from OE  Hund (cf. MLR xiv. 241). Cf. Langthorpe infra .

Places in the same Parish