English Place-name Society

Survey of English Place-Names

A county-by-county guide to the linguistic origins of England’s place-names – a project of the English Place-Name Society, founded 1923.


Major Settlement in the Parish of Kirby Hill

Historical Forms

  • Adelingestorp 1086 DB
  • Edelyn(g)thorp 1154–89 MaryH6d 13 RichReg 1328 Banco
  • Edelingetorp 1308 Ch
  • Ellyngthorpe 1523 BM 1541 Dugdiii.570
  • Ellinthrope 1574 FF


'Atheling's village' v. þorp . The first element may be either OE  æþeling , 'prince' or a patronymic based on the OE  pers. name Æþel . Athelney (So), Æþelinga eigg ASC, and OE  Æþelingaden (ASC s.a. 1001, MS A) both contain the gen. pl. of the OE  noun æþeling . Perhaps we should not lay too much stress on the DB s (cf. the DB form of Brampton Hall infra ).

Places in the same Parish