English Place-name Society

Survey of English Place-Names

A county-by-county guide to the linguistic origins of England’s place-names – a project of the English Place-Name Society, founded 1923.


Early-attested site in the Parish of Ault Hucknall

Historical Forms

  • Hertestaf 1086 DB
  • Hertistaf, Hertistoft(e) 1257 FF 1328 Banco 1330 Ass 1332 Middleton 1453 HardCh
  • Herstofte 1476 DbCh
  • Har(e)stoft(e) 1439 Deed 1543 DKR 1575 FF
  • Harstof 1610 Senior


Hardstoft, Hertestaf 1086 DB, Hertistaf , Hertistoft (e )1257 FF, 1328 Banco, 1330Ass , 1332Middleton et passim to 1453HardCh , Herstofte 1476 DbCh, Har (e )stoft (e )1439Deed , 1543 DKR, 1575FF , Harstof 1610Senior . 'Hert's homestead', v. topt ; the pers.n. Hert is from either ON  Hjǫrtr or OE  *Heort .