English Place-name Society

Survey of English Place-Names

A county-by-county guide to the linguistic origins of England’s place-names – a project of the English Place-Name Society, founded 1923.

St Leonard's, St Leonardshill

Early-attested site in the Parish of Clewer

Historical Forms

  • Seynt Leonerds 1548 LRMB
  • St Leanerdshill 1607 Norden
  • St Leonards 1761 Rocque
  • St Leonards Hill and Lodge 1800 Eden


St Leonard's, St Leonardshill (Seynt Leonerds 1548LRMB , St Leanerdshill 1607Norden , St Leonards 1761 Rocque, St Leonards Hill and Lodge 1800 Eden) are named from a hermit's chapel dedicated to St Leonard, for which v. VCH III, 76. It is first mentioned in 1215.The Hermitage, in the same vicinity, presumably refers to the same chapel; cf. Ermytescroft 1365 Cl, le Hermytage , Hermytage Grove , Armetriding 'als the Hermetryding '1548LRMB . The last name is identical with Armetridding (PN La 133), and means 'hermit- clearing', v. ryding .