English Place-name Society

Survey of English Place-Names

A county-by-county guide to the linguistic origins of England’s place-names – a project of the English Place-Name Society, founded 1923.

  1. New England Wd (Other OS name, Shottesbrooke, Berkshire)

    , on the parish boundary , v. 284

  2. North Field Barn(lost) (Other OS name, Aylesby, Lincolnshire)

    North Feild 1634 Terrier; North feild 1684 Tyr

    ( lost ) , 1824 O , cf. North Feild 1634Terrier , North feild 1684Tyr , named from one of the great fields of the village , v. norð

  3. Old Head Wood (Other OS name, Grafton Underwood, Northamptonshire)

    is so named in 1823 B , and nearby are also marked Wold Coppice and Warkton Wold . The meaning may have been ' wood at the head or end of the “ wold , ”

  4. Oldfield Thicket (Other OS name, Harlestone, Northamptonshire)

    Oldefeld c. 1312 H de B

    ( 6 ″ ) . Cf. Oldefeld c. 1312 H de B

  5. Parsonage Barn (Other OS name, Holton le Clay, Lincolnshire)

    ( lost , approx TA 294 027 ) , Pars . B . 1828 Bry

  6. Pincet Lane (Other OS name, North Kilworth, Leicestershire)

    , poss . with pyncette ' tweezers, forceps ' ; this lane in the northern extremity of the parish splits into a Y - fork , echoing the shape of tweezers . The

  7. Piper Knowle Lane (Other OS name, Norton, Durham)

    , cf. the f.n. Piper Knowls in f. ns . ( b ) infra

  8. Powder Blue Fm (Other OS name, Eye, Northamptonshire)

    is so named in 1823 B . The NED defines ' powder-blue ' as ' powdered smalt,especially for use in the laundry . ' The reason for the application of the name is unknown

  9. Rakestraw (Other OS name, Brough, Westmorland)

    , 1843TA , named from the family of John Rakestraw , Rakestray , Isabell Raikstraw , etc . ( 1661 , 1671 , ( B ) 85 , 192 , 324 etc . ) ,

  10. Ree Lane (Other OS name, Loughton, Essex)

    survives in Ree Lane Cottages ( local ) and ( local ) , both in England 's Lane

  11. Rest Harrow (Other OS name, Cann, Dorset)

    , no doubt the plant name restharrow , cf. Cammic Hill in B . Weston par . supra

  12. Sanham Ho (Other OS name, Frisby and Kirby, Leicestershire)

    Sanham House 1863, 1877 White

    . , Sanham House 1863, 1877 White , v. Senholm ( e ) in f. ns . ( b )

  13. Sebastopol (Other OS name, Hunworth, Norfolk)

    , the mid - nineteenth - century conflict in the Crimea is remembered in field - names in several parts of England ( v. Field 1993:156 )

  14. Sheepdyke Lane (Other OS name, Greetham, Rutland)

    , alluding to a sheep - dip , cf. Washdyke Close or Sheepdyke Close in neighbouring Exton f. ns . ( b ) , v. scēap , dík

  15. Sinks Beck (Other OS name, Holme East Waver, Cumberland)

    Sinkes yeate 1635 Ct

    ( 6 ″ ) . Cf. Sinkes yeate 1635Ct . Sink is probably used here in the sense of ' drain, sewer , ' v. NED s. v. sink sb . , 1 b

  16. Skippingdale Plantation (Other OS name, Crosby, Lincolnshire)

    High Skippingdale, Low Skippingdale, New Skippingdale 1838 TA

    , cf. High Skippingdale , Low Skippingdale , New Skippingdale 1838TA ( West Halton ) , perhaps from scypen ' a shippen ' , in a

  17. Smith's Free School (Other OS name, Redmile, Leicestershire)

    Smith's Free School 1846, 1863 White

    ( lost ) , Smith 's Free School 1846, 1863 White ; founded by Daniel Smith in 1814 , the building is now part of the Church of England Primary School

  18. Snow's Down (Other OS name, Langton Long Blandford, Dorset)

    , from the family of George Snow who held the manor of Langton Long B . a1800Hutch3

  19. Springwell (Other OS name, Whetstone, Leicestershire)

    , 1745Terrier , v. spring 1 , wella and Springwell furze in f. ns . ( b )

  20. St Leonard's Chapel (Other OS name, Blandford Forum, Dorset)

    'the hospital of St Leonard juxta Blandford' 1420 ib 1 283

    , ' a ruinedecclesiastical building, now used as a barn ' ( 1861 Hutch3 1241 ) , cf . 'the hospital of St Leonard juxta