English Place-name Society

Survey of English Place-Names

A county-by-county guide to the linguistic origins of England’s place-names – a project of the English Place-Name Society, founded 1923.

  1. Tandridge Hundred (Hundred in Surrey)

    v. Tandridge infra 335. In 1651 (ParlSurv ) the court leets were held at a place called Undersnow . This, in a deed of 1656 (VCH iv, 252), is called Hundredsnow

  2. Charlton Marshall (Parish in Dorset)

    Formerly a tithing and chapelry in Spettisbury par. infra (Hutch3 3284,

  3. Spook Hill (Early-attested site, Dorking, Surrey)

    Spokelande 1559 Norfolk

    Spook Hill (6″). Cf. Spokelande 1559Norfolk . It is impossible to say anything certain about the first element in this name. The history of the word

  4. St Pier's Fm and Lane (Early-attested site, Lingfield, Surrey)

    St Pierces Green 1765 R; Simpier Green 1823 Br

    St Pier's Fm and Lane (both 6″). Cf. St Pierces Green 1765 R, Simpier Green 1823 Br. So

  5. Sussex Fm (Early-attested site, Send with Ripley, Surrey)

    Sussex Fm is so named in 1823 (G). According to M and B (iii, 108), lands in Sussex and in Send were conveyed in 1674 to John Caryll of Goodwood and others. In 1688 these

  6. All Saints Church (Other OS name, Langton Long Blandford, Dorset)

    the church of All Saints, Langeblaneford' 1333 Pat; 'a chantry in the chapel of St Thomas in the parish church of Langeblaneford' 1391 ib; Church Fd 1839 TA; 'the church of Lytelton' 1421 Hutch3; Chapel Cl 1839 TA

    , cf . ' the church of All Saints , Langeblaneford '1333 Pat , 'a chantry in the chapel of St

  7. Bently Cottages and Copse (Other OS name, Shere with Gomshall, Surrey)

    ( 6 ″ ) . Bentley field , Copse and Pond are marked on an estate map of 1812 ( penes Mr R. B . Bray ) , v. beonet , leah

  8. Bottom Barn (Other OS name, West Compton, Dorset)

    Gt Bottom Fd, Long Bottom Grd, Bottom Mead 1841 ib

    , cf. Gt Bottom Fd , Long Bottom Grd , Bottom Mead 1841ib , v. botm , cf. Combe in f. ns . ( b ) infra

  9. Brimblelow (Other OS name, Hoveton St John and St Peter, Norfolk)

    , ' hill overgrown withbramble ' , v. brēmel , hlāw ( for the intrusive b between m and l , v. Jordan § 212 )

  10. Brograve Farm (Other OS name, Waxham, Norfolk)

    Brograve c. 1800 B; Brograve 1845 White

    , cf. Berney Brograve c. 1800 B , Sir G.B . Brograve 1845 White 771 ( Horsey )

  11. Caldecott Farm (Other OS name, Ormesby St Margaret with Scratby and Ormesby St Michael, Norfolk)

    Caldicot 1845 White

    ; cf. B . Caldicot 1845 White ; Caldecot is a common place - name , v. cald , cot

  12. Chalk Pit (Other OS name, Melbury Bubb, Dorset)

    Pit Grd 1839 TA; de la Putte 1286 FF; Wollecoumbe 1314 Pat; atte Putte 1327, 1332 SR

    , cf. Pit Grd 1839TA , v. pytt ; earlier references that may belong here are Robert de la Putte 1286 FF ( held land in Vlecumb ) ,

  13. Charlton Ho & Charlton Manor (Other OS name, Charlton Marshall, Dorset)

    ( perhaps to be associated with the manor of Charlton Parva supra , cf. Manor Fm infra )

  14. Charlton on the Hill (Other OS name, Charlton Marshall, Dorset)

    , a hamlet only 50 ′ above the village itself

  15. Chasteney's Belt (Other OS name, Heydon, Norfolk)

    ( v. Reaney s.n. Cheyney , Chasteney ,a surname evidenced in England since DB and derived from severalpossible place-names in France )

  16. Church Room (Other OS name, Martham, Norfolk)

    , built by the Church of England for church functions

  17. Clayhanger (Other OS name, Abbotsbury, Dorset)

    pastur' de Cleydiche 1404 Ilch

    , ' clayey wooded slope ' from clǣg and hangra , but perhaps transferred from one of the several places so called in England , cf. pastur ' de

  18. Cromer Hythe (Other OS name, Cromer, Norfolk)

    Croumereheth 1297 Pat

    , v. hȳð , cf. Croumereheth 1297 Pat , v. under ( b ) infra

  19. Eastfield Farm (Other OS name, Hickling, Norfolk)

    Estfeld 1269 Ass; Eastfield 1845 White

    , v. East feild under ( b ) below ; cf. John de Estfeld 1269Ass , Eastfield 1845 White

  20. Fossil Forest (Other OS name, West Lulworth, Dorset)

    , a coastal feature ( v. Chatwin 35 , plate VI B )