English Place-name Society

Survey of English Place-Names

A county-by-county guide to the linguistic origins of England’s place-names – a project of the English Place-Name Society, founded 1923.

  1. Boston Lane (Other OS name, Clawson, Hose and Harby, Leicestershire)

    , presum . with the surn . Boston , cf. Boston hoale in Knipton f. ns . ( b )

  2. Brian's Close (Other OS name, Laughton, Leicestershire)

    ( 2 ½ ″ ) , a house built in the 1930s ; with the surn . Brian Bryan , a Breton name introduced into England by the Normans

  3. Brimblelow (Other OS name, Hoveton St John and St Peter, Norfolk)

    , ' hill overgrown withbramble ' , v. brēmel , hlāw ( for the intrusive b between m and l , v. Jordan § 212 )

  4. Brograve Farm (Other OS name, Waxham, Norfolk)

    Brograve c. 1800 B; Brograve 1845 White

    , cf. Berney Brograve c. 1800 B , Sir G.B . Brograve 1845 White 771 ( Horsey )

  5. Bruntingthorpe Holt (Other OS name, Bruntingthorpe, Leicestershire)

    ( 2 ½ ″ ) , v. wald ; the development of wald locally was *wald > *wold > olde > oult > olt > holt , v. the Olt field in f.

  6. Butlers Cottage (Other OS name, Loddington, Leicestershire)

    , with the surn . Butler , cf. Butlers cunnery in f. ns ( a ) and Butlers close in f. ns . ( b )

  7. Caldecott Farm (Other OS name, Ormesby St Margaret with Scratby and Ormesby St Michael, Norfolk)

    Caldicot 1845 White

    ; cf. B . Caldicot 1845 White ; Caldecot is a common place - name , v. cald , cot

  8. Chasteney's Belt (Other OS name, Heydon, Norfolk)

    ( v. Reaney s.n. Cheyney , Chasteney ,a surname evidenced in England since DB and derived from severalpossible place-names in France )

  9. Church Room (Other OS name, Martham, Norfolk)

    , built by the Church of England for church functions

  10. Church Thorns (Other OS name, Redmile, Leicestershire)

    , v. þorn ; perh . so called because at the edge of the former Churchfield , but v. Halythornfurlong listed in adjoining Barkestone f. ns . ( b )

  11. Cottagers Close (Other OS name, Aylestone, Leicestershire)

    , v. cotager and Cottiers Close in f. ns . ( b ) infra

  12. Cresswell Spring Fm (Other OS name, Waltham, Leicestershire)

    , v. spring 1 and Cresswell in f. ns . ( b )

  13. Cromer Hythe (Other OS name, Cromer, Norfolk)

    Croumereheth 1297 Pat

    , v. hȳð , cf. Croumereheth 1297 Pat , v. under ( b ) infra

  14. Eastfield Farm (Other OS name, Hickling, Norfolk)

    Estfeld 1269 Ass; Eastfield 1845 White

    , v. East feild under ( b ) below ; cf. John de Estfeld 1269Ass , Eastfield 1845 White

  15. Flaxman'S Spinney (Other OS name, Wistow, Leicestershire)

    , v. spinney ; possibly with the surn . Flaxman , from the ME  occupational name flaxman ' a dresser or seller offlax ' , but note Flaxlandes in f. ns .

  16. Guthlaxton Gap (Other OS name, Cosby, Leicestershire)

    Guthlaxton Bridge 1835 O

    , 1807 Nichols , v. gap , cf. Guthlaxton Bridge 1835 O at this site ; v. Guthlaxton Hundred supra and Gutlakestonfelde in Cosby f. ns . ( b ) infra

  17. Harby Hall (Other OS name, Clawson, Hose and Harby, Leicestershire)

    , v. the Hall Close and the Hall Leys in f. ns . ( b )

  18. Holloway Spinney (Other OS name, Gumley, Leicestershire)

    , v. hol 2 , weg , spinney and Holgate in f. ns . ( b )

  19. Longsight Lane (Other OS name, Cheadle, Cheshire)

    ( 101–869844 ) . This is a straight stretch of road 300 yards in length , providing a long ' sight ' or view , in the sense used in surveying etc . , v.

  20. Lyngate (Other OS name, Worstead, Norfolk)

    Ling e. 13 HMC

    , a hamlet , v. Lynngate feild 1618 under ( b ) in Tunstead ( cf. Rich . de Ling e. 13 HMC , v. lyng )