English Place-name Society

Survey of English Place-Names

A county-by-county guide to the linguistic origins of England’s place-names – a project of the English Place-Name Society, founded 1923.

  1. Charlton Abbots (Parish in Gloucestershire)

  2. Charlton Kings (Parish in Gloucestershire)

  3. Charlton on Otmoor (Parish in Oxfordshire)

  4. Charlton Park (Other OS name, Charlton Kings, Gloucestershire)

    , 1830 M , v. park

  5. New England (Other OS name, Barley, Hertfordshire)

    is so named in 1782 (Faden) . It is in a remote corner of the parish , v. infra 263

  6. New England (Other OS name, Ippollitts, Hertfordshire)

    ( 6 ″ ) is a hamlet on the northern border of the parish on the outskirts of Hitchin . Cf. infra 263